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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Writer's pictureBeTheFire

Why Jesus Taught in Parables to Keep Some in the Dark- More Mysteries of the Kingdom

Why Jesus Taught in Parables to Keep Some in the Dark- More Mysteries of the Kingdom

In John 8:12, Jesus declares, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” The invitation is clear: choose to follow Him, and the darkness will recede. Yet, this is not just a simple offer—it’s a revelation of the ongoing spiritual battle between good and evil, between Jesus and Satan.

Jesus, throughout His ministry, made it evident that His teachings would not be understood by all. In Matthew 13:10-11, when asked why He speaks in parables, Jesus explained that these stories reveal the mysteries of the Kingdom to those who are willing to seek truth, but they also conceal it from those whose hearts are hardened. "Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them." Jesus intentionally spoke in parables to both reveal and conceal, challenging those listening to either open their hearts or remain in spiritual blindness.

Like a treasure hidden in a field, the truth of the gospel is revealed only to those who seek it with diligence. The parables of Jesus are not mere stories; they are spiritual riddles, designed to test our hearts and reveal our true intentions.

Satan, on the other hand, actively works to keep people from receiving these truths. In Mark 4:15, Jesus warns that when the Word is sown, Satan comes immediately to take it away, preventing it from taking root. This reveals a crucial tactic of the enemy—he seeks to blind people to the truth, as stated in 2 Corinthians 4:4:

"The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ."

The enemy is not a passive observer but a relentless adversary. Like a skilled predator stalking its prey, he seeks to sow doubt, confusion, and fear in our minds. His tactics are cunning, his schemes insidious, and his goal is to keep us trapped in the darkness.

In the dark depths of the human mind, a fierce battle rages. Satan, the master of deception, seeks to blind us to the truth, while Jesus, the light of the world, offers the key to liberation.  The battlefield is within, and the stakes are eternal

This battle between light and darkness is real, but God has given us a playbook, much like a football coach who arms his team with an offense and defense strategy. God has not left us unprepared. In fact, He has given us everything we need to counter the enemy's schemes. Ephesians 6:11 tells us to "put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." The Bible is filled with guidance on how the enemy operates, how he plans, and what his devices are. But it also arms us with the knowledge of how to fight back!

In this spiritual warfare, the truth is, we’re not fighting a battle with no hope of victory. God has already outlined the enemy’s strategies and given us the tools to overcome. Read the Bible! It is all outlined right there for you! Every plan. Every scheme!

The choice is clear: to follow Jesus and walk in the light of truth, or to succumb to Satan's darkness and deception. The path of light leads to life, peace, and eternal joy. The path of darkness leads to destruction, despair, and eternal separation from God.

My prayer for you is this:

I ask God to guide you gently, yet powerfully, toward His Word, sparking within you a new passion to dive deep into its truths. If you’ve never opened it before, may this be the moment that you are drawn to read it for the first time, or if it’s been sitting on a shelf collecting dust, may you be inspired to dust it off and discover its treasures with fresh eyes and an open heart.

As you begin this journey, I ask God to surround you with His protection, keeping the enemy at bay who seeks to snatch away the truth before it can take root in your heart. May every word you read come alive with revelation, filling you with insight, wisdom, and clarity. May it not only speak to your current situation but stir something deep within your spirit that propels you toward greater understanding and intimacy with God.

I pray that each verse becomes a weapon of strength, guiding you in moments of confusion, and that the light of His Word shines into the darkest corners of your life, dispelling fear, doubt, and lies. As you step forward in this new passion, may you experience God’s love and truth in ways you never imagined. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

© 2024 Amanda Allen. All rights reserved.

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