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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Writer's pictureBeTheFire

Why Do You Still Feel Lack Despite Obeying God? The Answer Might Surprise You! Discover What’s Holding You Back!

How Abundant are the Good things   that you have STORED up for those who FEAR you,   that you bestow in the Sight of all,   on those who take REFUGE in you!  Psalms 31:19

How Abundant are the Good things

that you have STORED up for those who FEAR you,

that you bestow in the Sight of all,

on those who take REFUGE in you!

Psalms 31:19

The Word of God: We don’t even deserve it! Every time I’m in the Word, I either stumble upon something new or rediscover something old with fresh insight. It’s a blessing to spend time in the Word of God, but too often, we rush through sentences and paragraphs, missing the depth of understanding they hold. It’s far better to hover over a sentence, a paragraph, or a lesson. Park yourself there for a while. This is what the Lord means by "meditate" on the Word—take the time to truly absorb and reflect on it.

Joshua 1:8 (NIV): "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

Abundance is more than just having plenty; it is overflowing with goodness, an excess that knows no bounds. It is the opposite of lack. Abundance is the ability to share generously from what is yours, giving freely without feeling the pinch of loss. It is the assurance that there is always more where that came from, a supply that never runs dry. When God bestows His abundant blessings, He does so in such a way that they are visible to all, showcasing His love and provision for those who fear Him and seek refuge in Him.

To live in the abundance of God is to experience His goodness in every area of life—spiritual, emotional, and physical. It’s knowing that His storehouse of blessings is vast and immeasurable, and that He delights in pouring them out on His children. This abundance isn’t just about material wealth; it’s about peace, joy, love, and grace—things that money can’t buy but are worth more than anything the world can offer.

In this verse from Psalms 31, God is speaking more specifically about "good things." The term "things" generally refers to material objects—items we can see, touch, and use, such as clothing, shoes, food, and other tangible provisions. Biblically, "things" can be understood as the physical blessings God provides to meet our daily needs and sustain us in our earthly life.

This passage suggests that the focus is more on touchable, physical items rather than intangible blessings like ideas, wisdom, or understanding. The "good things" stored up for those who fear God seem to imply the abundant material blessings that He generously bestows.

These are the visible signs of His care and provision, the very necessities of life that God ensures His people lack nothing.

In this context, the verse primarily refers to tangible blessings, but it can also remind us that God's abundance touches every aspect of our lives, both seen and unseen.

This passage takes note of the fact that the "good things" God has for us are "stored up." To have something stored up implies that there is a place where these blessings are kept in abundance, waiting to be needed, sought out, discovered, and desired. These treasures are not scattered or given haphazardly; they are carefully preserved, like a farmer who stores up food during a time of plenty. Just as a household sets aside provisions for future use, God has a storehouse filled with everything we need, kept safe for the perfect time.

Scripture frequently refers to God's storehouses, emphasizing that He is never lacking in anything. Everything He has to give; He possesses in overflowing abundance. For example, Deuteronomy 28:12 says,

"The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands."

This verse illustrates that God's storehouse is not only filled with material blessings but also with the very elements of creation, like rain, that sustain life and blesses the work of our hands. He is intimately involved in all creation.

In Malachi 3:10, God challenges His people to trust in His provision:

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

In this passage, we see God's storehouses overflowing, ready to pour out blessings that surpass our ability to contain them. I want to highlight that this verse also hints at another crucial key🔑 for accessing God’s storehouses in your life. While our focus remains on Psalm 31, it's worth noting that tithing is another significant key 🔑 that unlocks these divine storehouses. (I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on this and consider the Malachi scripture on tithing. It could be highly beneficial to study it further as part of your spiritual journey. Just pause and truly contemplate the insights from this passage.)

How Abundant are the Good things   that you have STORED up for those who FEAR you,   that you bestow in the Sight of all,   on those who take REFUGE in you!  Psalms 31:19

But why does God store these blessings? Why does He wait to release them? When can I expect to receive these "things" into my life?

Just as a farmer waits for the right season to use what’s been stored, God waits for the perfect moment to release His blessings into our lives. He is never late, nor is He withholding out of reluctance. He is waiting for our readiness, our faith, our obedience, or for the circumstances in our lives to align with His divine purpose. His timing is perfect, and when He releases what has been stored, it meets our needs precisely, bringing glory to Him and good to us.

It’s no secret: God has His storehouses filled and waiting for those who fear Him!

"How Abundant are the good things that You have stored up for those who FEAR You..."

Again, as my previous article also touched on (see the article titled: "What Does a Pregnant Runaway, a Father, a Murderer, and a Donkey All Have in Common?"), God has special blessings reserved specifically for those who fear Him:

  • Not for those who simply attend church.

  • Not for those who preach the Word.

  • Not for those who sing in the worship service.

  • Not for those who lead worship bands.

  • Not for those who serve as ushers or greeters.

  • Not for those who have a social media platform.

  • Not for Christian "influencers" found on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.

These blessings are not about religious activities or roles; they are for those who genuinely reverence and honor God, living in awe of His majesty and righteousness.

In this passage, God reveals that He will take these stored-up blessings and bestow them upon those who fear Him. To bestow means to give or grant something with great honor or generosity.

Biblically, it signifies not just a casual or incidental gift, but a deliberate and gracious act of giving that reflects God’s favor and abundance.

When God bestows blessings, He does so openly, in the sight of all—whether it’s family, friends, strangers, or even those who may be adversaries.

This public demonstration of His generosity serves to glorify Him and validate His promises, showing that His blessings are not hidden or reserved for a select few but are evident to everyone who displays the proper conditions necessary.

Yet, in this passage, God introduces a significant "but"—a turning point that invites reflection. This "but" serves as a reminder that while God’s blessings are abundant and openly given, there are conditions or aspects that require our attention. It prompts us to consider what might be expected of us or what might be the context in which these blessings are bestowed.

I’ve previously discussed that this promise of abundant blessings is for those who fear God, but there’s more to it: there are two essential conditions that must be met. First, you must be someone who fears God. Second, you must also be someone who takes refuge in Him. Let's break this down further:

Fear of God: To fear God is to have a profound reverence and awe for His power, majesty, and righteousness. It’s about recognizing His authority and aligning your life in respect and obedience to Him. This fear is a deep respect that leads to living a life that honors Him and acknowledges His greatness.

Taking Refuge in God: To take refuge means to run to God for safety and protection, to seek Him as a shelter and a source of help in times of trouble. Biblically, taking refuge implies a deep trust and reliance on God as our ultimate protector and provider.

It’s not just about acknowledging Him from a distance but actively seeking Him as a sanctuary from life's challenges.

Psalm 46:1 says,

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."

This verse highlights that taking refuge in God involves relying on Him for protection and support. While your job is important, it should not be your ultimate source of provision—God is your true provider. Your job is a place where you can help others, share testimonies, and fulfill your mission. Although you receive income from your work, remember that God is the true provider, not your boss and definitely not your government.

Psalm 91:2 also reflects this concept:

"I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’"

Here, refuge is equated with trust and confidence in God's ability to safeguard and deliver us from harm.

Therefore, even if you fear God, if you do not also take refuge in Him—actively seeking His protection and help—you may not fully receive the promise of abundant good things that are stored up for you and will be openly bestowed.

It’s essential to not only honor God with reverence but also to continually seek Him as your refuge and source of strength. 

🔑This "but" in the passage is crucial for understanding why you might find yourself struggling despite checking off all the boxes of obedience. If you’re thinking,

I’m doing everything I know to obey God, yet I still face lack in certain areas of my life,

this "but" might be the key 🔑 to resolving that struggle. This insight has been profound for me, highlighting areas where I need to make adjustments and changes. Pay close attention—this could be the breakthrough you need!🔥

How Abundant are the Good things   that you have STORED up for those who FEAR you,   that you bestow in the Sight of all,   on those who take REFUGE in you!  Psalms 31:19

Fearing God without taking refuge in Him can manifest in various ways, where an individual acknowledges God’s power and authority but does not fully rely on Him for support, guidance, or comfort. Here’s what this might look like:

🧨A person might recognize God’s authority and majesty but handle crises or challenges solely through their own efforts or strategies. They may respect God’s power intellectually but not seek His intervention or support in their decisions, relying instead on their own resources or abilities.

🧨During a stressful or uncertain time, someone might be aware of God’s sovereignty but still feel overwhelmed and anxious without turning to Him for peace or reassurance. They may feel the weight of their worries and fears without seeking refuge in God’s promises or prayer.

🧨A person may participate in church activities, read the Bible, or follow religious rituals out of obligation or habit, but not truly trust God’s guidance or seek His help in personal matters. Their actions might reflect fear of God’s judgment rather than a heartfelt reliance on His support.

🧨Someone might make life decisions with a strong sense of God’s authority in mind but act out of fear or self-preservation rather than trusting in God’s plan. They may avoid risks or opportunities because they are anxious about potential outcomes, rather than relying on God’s guidance and provision.

🧨After making a mistake or sinning, an individual might feel guilty, distance themselves from God and recognize the need for forgiveness but not actively seek God’s grace or restoration. They might carry the burden of their actions without turning to God for healing and reconciliation.

🧨A person may respect and acknowledge the moral and ethical standards set by God but fail to implement those principles in their daily life. They may understand what God expects but choose not to seek His help in living according to His will.

In these scenarios, the fear of God is present as a recognition of His power and authority, but without taking refuge in Him, the individual does not fully engage with or rely on God for support, guidance, or comfort. 

This can lead to a superficial relationship with God, where the acknowledgment of His greatness is not matched by a trusting, dependent, and personal relationship.

Can you check any of these boxes 🧨?

I certainly can, and I find it exciting because with this new revelation, I can make meaningful adjustments to my perspective and tweak my behaviors. This is why God urges us to meditate on His Word. When we approach Scripture like a casual newspaper read, we often miss these valuable insights. Now, with this understanding, I can confidently and excitedly address my areas of lack, aligning myself with His Word to meet the requirements for His promises. Now I can confidently EXPECT positive changes coming forth because God revealed His keys 🔑🔑🧨🧨 in His Word.

I now know, and you now know, where we might be missing the mark❌—but the beauty is that God has provided us with clear guidance in His Word 🔑 on how to correct it. We don’t deserve God’s attention or grace, yet He persistently reaches out to us with His heart, His hand, His wisdom, His gifts, His blessings, His corrections, and His guidance....all in His Word.

This continual outpouring of love and support 
is why God is truly majestic and deserves our wholehearted worship.

Heavenly Father,

I come before You in Jesus' name, full of gratitude for Your Word that guides and reveals keys to our deliverance. Thank You for making everything about You so accessible and clear. I lift up this reader and myself, asking for Your help in understanding the vital keys You've given us to receive from You.

Help us to stop handling our life crises through our own understanding and always seek Your intervention for our needs and those of our families. When we feel tempted to worry and be anxious, arrest us in our spirits and remind us to seek refuge in You through prayer and hope, standing on your promises. Teach us to worship You before succumbing to worry. As emotions stir within us, remind us to worship You, the One who comprehends all of creation and our inner struggles.

Guide us away from making decisions driven by self-preservation or fear. Instead, help us trust in the outcomes that come from seeking You as our refuge. When we make mistakes and fall short, provoke our spirits to turn to You for healing and restoration. If our own solutions lead us to hide in guilt, create distance, or harbor resentment, exposing these attitudes quickly so we can release, repent, and restore.

Teach us how to adjust our lives and behaviors to honor and fear You in a way that pleases You. Show us how to seek You effectively as our refuge in every conflict, challenge, or circumstance, whether it involves laws, institutions, other people, or spiritual forces.

I ask You to grant each of us, including our family members, loved ones, and friends, Your wisdom regarding Your Word and the keys You freely provide for a superior life. Where we stumble, send Your holy angels to minister to us swiftly and guide us back on track. I also ask You to bless our enemies and reveal Your powerful presence to their eyes and hearts.

I speak over each of us that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and every voice that rises against us shall be condemned. May Your honor and glory be magnified as we align with Your Word swiftly and accurately. Praise and glory to God!

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

© 2024 Amanda Allen. All rights reserved.

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