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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Writer's pictureBeTheFire

Why Are Some People Always Stirring the Pot? What biblical truths should we grasp about creating discord?

Those who “stir the pot” manipulate information, create unnecessary tension to watch others react, feeding off the disorder they’ve sown!

"These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."

—Proverbs 6:16-19 (KJV)

Proverbs 6:16-19 is often referred to as a "numerical proverb" or a "list of vices" in biblical literature. This poetic structure, where the writer lists items in progression—“six things the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination unto Him”—is a common Hebrew literary device. The phrase emphasizes that God deeply opposes these behaviors, with the seventh standing out as especially detestable.

In this context, the terms "hate" and "detest" (or "abomination," as in the KJV) both indicate strong disapproval. However, "detestable" or "abomination" implies an even more intense form of repulsion, highlighting the severity of God's disdain for these actions.

It's almost as if hate expresses God's strong opposition to those six behaviors, but when it comes to the seventh—"a person who stirs up conflict (sows discord) among brethren (a community)"—God finds it utterly revolting. 

In today’s world, discord is more than just a simple disagreement; it’s a tool often wielded by the devil to undermine unity and sow chaos among believers and communities.

By stirring the pot, the enemy exploits our weaknesses, creating divisions that can fracture relationships, disrupt families, and even lead entire congregations astray.

When discord takes root, it can cloud our judgment, making it difficult to see the truth and recognize the motivations behind certain actions. The devil delights in causing confusion, using gossip, lies, and manipulation to turn friends against each other, fostering suspicion and resentment.

God’s Word warns us against these dangers, calling us to be vigilant and discerning. Proverbs 6:16-19 emphasizes that sowing discord is not just a minor issue; it’s an abomination in the eyes of God.

In recognizing the enemy’s tactics, we are empowered to counteract his schemes by being peacemakers in a world rife with conflict. By fostering open communication, practicing forgiveness, and embracing love, we can dismantle the devil’s plans and reflect God’s heart for unity in our lives and communities.

Many people talk about "stirring the pot". They often joke about it, implying that they enjoy creating drama or tension for the sake of entertainment or control. However, God sees this as particularly damaging because it disrupts unity, undermines peace, and sows discord among people.

Sowing discord among brothers is a serious offense in the eyes of God. 

In biblical terms, a community and brotherhood are a reflection of harmony, shared purpose, and love. When someone actively seeks to stir up trouble, they are not just breaking relationships between individuals but are undermining the very fabric of trust and unity that a community and brotherhood depends on.

The concept of "community" and/or "brethren" in Proverbs 6:16-19 extends beyond just a group of people in a neighborhood or a congregation. A community can be any place where individuals come together with a shared purpose—a family, a group of friends, or even a place of business. In a family, stirring up conflict can tear at the very foundation of trust and love, leading to divisions that can last for generations. In the workplace, when someone "stirs the pot," it creates an environment of tension and mistrust, often derailing productivity and undermining teamwork.

 Matthew 5:9, Jesus says, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”

When one chooses to stir the pot, they risk losing their identity as a peacemaker.

Whether it's a family, a business, or a social group, unity is essential for growth, collaboration, and well-being. God's detestation of conflict-stirrers highlights how destructive this behavior is in any context. Where peace and understanding should reign, conflict disrupts progress, harmony, and mutual respect. Therefore, whether in the home, among coworkers, or friends, we are called to be builders of peace and avoid behaviors that fracture relationships and create unnecessary strife.

Unity is the lifeblood of a community, the glue that binds its members together. When discord is sown, it is like a disease that spreads rapidly, infecting every aspect of life and destroying the bonds of trust and love.

This behavior is often seen as "just human" or harmless, yet God is highlighting that it is far from trivial—it's detestable because it attacks something God deeply values: peace and harmony among His people. God’s focus on this seventh vice suggests that sowing discord isn't just an annoying behavior, but a spiritual threat that has the potential to destroy a community from within.

Proverbs 16:28 warns that “a dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends.”

Those who stir discord will not only create conflict but will also face God’s judgment for their actions.

Interestingly, stirring up conflict is subtle and can often be disguised as "harmless fun" or "just stating the truth." Yet, in God's eyes, it’s far more dangerous than we realize.

It’s as though this behavior reflects a deeper disregard for others' well-being and shows a heart inclined toward division. 

Speaking up in truth and "stirring the pot" may appear similar on the surface, but their motivations and intents are drastically different. Speaking up in truth comes from a place of integrity, with the intent to bring clarity, correction, or healing to a situation. It often requires courage, as it may involve confronting difficult realities or uncomfortable issues, but the ultimate goal is to promote righteousness, justice, and the betterment of relationships or communities. When someone speaks the truth in love, as the Bible encourages, their aim is to uplift and align with God's principles, fostering growth and resolution, even if it's uncomfortable in the moment.

 The devil delights in causing confusion, using gossip, lies, and manipulation to turn friends against each other, fostering suspicion and resentment.

On the other hand, "stirring the pot" stems from a different motivation—usually a desire to create chaos, drama, or division. The person who stirs the pot isn’t concerned with truth or reconciliation; their aim is to agitate, provoke, or draw attention to themselves. Often, they manipulate information or create unnecessary tension to watch others react, feeding off the disorder they’ve sown.

The intent behind stirring the pot is not to bring clarity or resolve issues but to keep people off balance

and perpetuate conflict.

The one who stirs up conflict is not merely a troublemaker; they are a spiritual vandal, a destroyer of peace and harmony. Their actions reveal a heart that is twisted and dark.
Proverbs 22:10 advises, “Drive out a scoffer, and strife will go out, and quarreling and abuse will cease.”

While speaking up in truth seeks peace and restoration, stirring the pot thrives on discord and disruption. The difference lies in the heart’s intention: truth-speaking builds up, while conflict-stirring breaks down. One leads to resolution and righteousness, the other to division and unrest.

So, when we look at "a person who stirs up conflict in a community," or family, we can see the gravity of it through God’s eyes. They disrupt the unity He desires, which is why it stands out as something He detests above the rest. God calls us to be peacemakers, to foster understanding, and to work toward unity, which contrasts with those who seek conflict for their own satisfaction or gain.

In today’s world, some of the biggest perpetrators of discord are the media, political figures, and even Christians who wield a social media platform. These individuals often stir the pot for attention and likes, prioritizing sensationalism over truth. It appears that many intentionally employ shock tactics as a means of capturing attention, reveling in the chaos that follows.

This dynamic is further complicated by the reality that the media and those in power often do not wish to see our communities grow in unity. Instead, they perpetuate division, undermining the very fabric of our society. It’s essential to recognize that evil is actively working to dismantle everything God seeks to unify, sowing seeds of discord in the hearts of many.

As we navigate this landscape, we must remain vigilant and discerning. Living in wisdom means understanding the deeper layers beneath these evil intentions. It calls for a commitment to seeking truth, fostering unity, and rejecting the urge to engage in divisive rhetoric. Instead of allowing ourselves to be swept up in the frenzy, we should strive to be peacemakers, reflecting the love and grace of God in our interactions.

By doing so, we can counteract the negativity around us, building communities grounded in faith and mutual respect. Let us be aware and forewarned, choosing to live with intention and understanding, so that we can stand firm against the forces that seek to divide us. In unity, we reflect the heart of God and fulfill His calling for our lives.

Heavenly Father,

I come before You in Jesus' name. Thank You for Your amazing Word and the truth it reveals. Thank You for showing Your heart, that ours might reflect it as well. I ask, Father, that You protect us from those who seek division. Illuminate their motivations, exaggerations, and manipulations as they stir the pot. Grant us greater discernment to recognize when someone is genuinely trying to resolve an issue and when they are attempting to create division.

Help us to turn away from those who seek to destroy relationships. Reveal those who are insincere and deliver us from their attacks—no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and any weapon of discord and division, though it may form, shall not hit its targets.

Grant us wisdom on how to navigate around these individuals and restore unity. Your Word says to be as wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove; give us this wisdom to counter those who seek chaos. I lift up those who are scarred internally, asking You to heal them and bring them to Your peace so they may also become peacemakers.

If they refuse Your guidance, Your Word says they will walk into their own trap. Please save their lives so that salvation remains possible, even if the consequences are severe. Thank You, Father, for always looking out for Your people. You defend and care for us in ways that are beyond human understanding, in Jesus name. Amen.

© 2024 Amanda Allen. All rights reserved.

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