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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Writer's pictureBeTheFire

What Does a Pregnant Runaway, A Father, a Murderer, and A Donkey All Have in Common?

The angel of the Lord encamps   around those who fear him,   and he delivers them.  Psalm 34:7

The angel of the Lord encamps

around those who fear him,

and he delivers them.

Psalm 34:7

The angel of the Lord does not appear in boring, common, everyday situations. Each appearance carries profound significance, marking a moment where God’s plan intersects with human history in a pivotal way. These interventions are essential because they ensure the fulfillment of God’s will, offer protection, correct wrongs, provide comfort, or initiate a divine mission.

The angel of the Lord reflects God’s nature—His justice, mercy, protection, and guidance.

Each attribute seen in the angel’s actions is a direct expression

of God’s character.

The angel’s interventions remind us that God is not distant or indifferent; He is actively involved in the lives of His people, guiding, protecting, and correcting them according to His perfect will.

The arrival of the Angel of the Lord often strengthens the faith and obedience of those involved. By intervening at critical moments, the angel reinforces the reality of God’s presence and power, encouraging believers to trust in God even when they cannot see the outcome. Here are a few accounts of the angel of the Lord appearing to Gods people:

The Angel of the Lord Appears to Hagar (Genesis 16:7-13, KJV): Hagar (Abraham's concubine), after fleeing from Sarai (Abraham's wife), was found by "the Angel of the Lord" near a fountain in the wilderness. When Hagar was found by the Angel of the Lord, she was distressed and fleeing from her harsh treatment by Sarai, feeling abandoned and in despair. The Angel instructed her to return and promised to multiply her descendants. In response to this divine encounter and the assurance of God's protection, Hagar named the place "Beer-lahai-roi," which means "Well of the Living One who sees me," acknowledging God's care and protection in her distress.


The Angel of the Lord Prevents Abraham from Sacrificing Isaac (Genesis 22:11-12, KJV): As Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac in obedience to God, "the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven" and stopped him. The angel then revealed a ram as a substitute offering, highlighting Abraham’s faith and God’s provision.


The Angel of the Lord appears to Moses in the Burning Bush (Exodus 3:2-6, KJV): While tending Jethro's flock, "the angel of the Lord appeared unto (Moses) in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush" (Exodus 3:2, KJV). Though the bush burned, it was not consumed. As Moses approached, God called to him, revealing Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and commissioned Moses to deliver the Israelites from Egypt.


The Angel of the Lord strikes Down the Assyrian Army (2 Kings 19:35, KJV): When King Sennacherib of Assyria threatened Jerusalem, King Hezekiah prayed for deliverance. That night, "the Angel of the Lord...smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and five thousand" (2 Kings 19:35, KJV). The next morning, 185,000 Assyrian soldiers were found dead, forcing Sennacherib to retreat, demonstrating God's power to protect His people.


The Angel of the Lord confronts Balaam’s Donkey (Numbers 22:22-35, KJV): As Balaam (a prophet) set out to curse the Israelites for Balak (king of Moab), "the Angel of the Lord stood in the way for an adversary against him" (Numbers 22:22, KJV).

The Angel of the Lord acted as an adversary to Balaam to prevent him from going against God's will. Balaam was on his way to curse the Israelites at the request of King Balak. Despite being a prophet, Balaam’s intentions were not aligned with God’s plan. The angel's role as an adversary was to redirect Balaam's path and ensure he only spoke the words that God had commanded him to speak, which ultimately turned out to be blessings for Israel rather than curses.

Balaam’s donkey, seeing the angel, turned aside three times, but Balaam struck the donkey, unaware of the angel’s presence. Finally, "the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam," revealing the angel with a drawn sword. The angel rebuked Balaam and warned him to speak only what God commanded.

They all experienced a divine encounter with the Angel of the Lord that altered their lives and showcased God's guidance and intervention.

Who is the Angel of the Lord?

There are two main perceptions among believers regarding the identity of the Angel of the Lord:

  • The Angel of the Lord is viewed as a divine messenger sent by God.

  • The Angel of the Lord is often seen as a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus.

I believe both perspectives are valid, depending on the context and the specific stories. Each viewpoint—whether the Angel of the Lord is seen as a divine messenger or a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus—applies at different times and in various situations. Regardless of your stance, it is clear that the Angel of the Lord should be approached with reverence. Often, the Angel reassures those He encounters not to fear His presence, yet He is always to be treated with profound respect and holiness.

The angel of the Lord encamps   around those who fear him,   and he delivers them.  Psalm 34:7

What is the condition to be honored with the Angel of the Lord encamping around you for protection?

The answer is to have a genuine fear of the Lord. This reverent fear involves living in a way that reflects His authority and aligns with His will.

Psalm 34:7 (KJV): "The Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that FEAR him, and delivereth them."

This verse shows that those who experienced the Angel of the Lord's protection all had a deep, reverent FEAR of God.

God says he encamps around those that FEAR HIM.

.....Not those that pray to him.

.....Not those that read his word.

.....Not those that attend church.

.....Not those that wear cross necklaces.

.....Not those that run to the alter in Worship!

.....Not those that sing on the worship team.

.....Not those that preach and teach.

You can exhibit all those qualities but still lack the fear of the Lord. All these individuals have the opportunity to have the Lord encamp around them, but their current positions or titles don't reflect this protection. Fearing the Lord starts as an internal heart matter, which then influences their external actions and choices in life.

Just attending church doesn't automatically make you a Christian where you can claim this promise, just as sitting in a garage doesn’t make you a car. The same concept applies. Be guided by Scripture and carefully consider all the conditions required for the promises you find. Some things from God are gifts, while others come with conditions.

Always dig deeply into Scripture to uncover the full truth rather than just what you hope it says and always ask the Holy Spirit to guide you with revelation because even Satan can twist scripture.

Those who encounter the Angel of the Lord demonstrate their reverence through specific actions: obeying God’s commands, seeking divine guidance, and approaching with humility and respect. They also avoid acting presumptuously, ignoring divine warnings, and prioritizing personal gain.

However, it's important to recognize that these individuals, despite their deep fear of God, were not perfect. For example, Hagar was a pregnant concubine fleeing from her situation and had made mistakes in her life, yet the Angel of the Lord intervened and redirected her. This shows that the Angel of the Lord's presence is not solely about living a flawless life but about having a foundational fear of the Lord in one's heart.

In the bigger picture, the Angel of the Lord appears to those He chooses, regardless of their current state or actions. For example, He appeared to Saul, who was persecuting Christians, and continues to reveal Himself to many Muslims, children, and non-believers around the world today. In the context of Psalm 34, the fear of the Lord refers to living in a way that invites His protection and presence, demonstrating how one can align their life to be surrounded and safeguarded by God.

In a biblical context, "encamp" often refers to God or His messengers setting up a protective or guiding presence around a group or individual. This term conveys the idea of establishing a divine safeguard or covering, symbolizing God's care and protection.

 To "encamp" involves not just physical placement but also a spiritual dimension of offering protection, guidance, and support.

To encamp around me means to surround me on all sides, with protection extending before me, behind me, and to my left and right. The Angel of the Lord encircles me completely, not because of who I am in myself but because I fear God, and this reverence is evident in my daily actions and choices. This promise is deeply comforting and instills great confidence, yet it also prompts us to reflect:

Am I truly living my life in the fear of the Lord?

Have I ceased actions that displease Him and embraced those He commands?

Without me needing to say, "I love Jesus," would my actions, words, and life make it clear?

Is this promise for you? It depends.

Do you genuinely fear the Most High God?

Can your neighbors see the evidence of Jesus in your life,

or do your actions contradict your professed faith?

Are you living in serious hypocrisy?

While everyone may have moments of inconsistency, some people seem to indulge in hypocrisy as though it were a treat—sweet and deceptive, reflecting the kingdom of darkness rather than the Kingdom of God.

Don’t live life recklessly, as though you’re invincible or beyond harm. Today, even a simple trip to Walmart can carry risks. In the U.S., we’re only beginning to experience what many other countries have long faced. One significant danger here is the dilution of God’s truth—His commandments have been replaced by the idea of "living your own way" and normalizing what He hates. You can’t change the broader culture, but you can change yourself.

The angel of the Lord encamps   around those who fear him,   and he delivers them.  Psalm 34:7

If you desire the Angel of the Lord to encamp around you, take a deeper look at yourself. Even if you don’t intend it, is the fear of the Lord you should be experiencing and walking in somehow being undermined? If you've been attending church for a while and this quality isn’t evident in your heart, ask God to help you cultivate a fear of Him that honors His Word. He won’t approach you suddenly or with terror. Instead, He will reveal to you a true understanding of what it means to fear Him, and the Holy Spirit will guide you with wisdom and insight.

From my own experience, I can tell you that fearing the Lord will deeply influence every aspect of your life. It will shape how you speak, what you eat, your values, how you spend your time, your relationships, your finances, your mindset, and your choices. It’s evident when someone lacks the fear of the Lord, as it manifests in careless words, gossiping, cursing, misguided opinions, poor dietary choices, misaligned values, wasted time, troubled relationships, financial mismanagement, a chaotic mindset, harboring attitudes, and flawed decisions.

The BEAUTY of it is: You control whether you experience the encampment and protection of the Angel of the Lord in your life. It’s not about blaming God, your parents, your children, your boss, your neighbors, or your circumstances. The responsibility lies with you alone.


Heavenly Father,

I come before You in Jesus’ name, grateful for the revelation of Your Word. Thank You for Your immense protection, provided through the Angel of the Lord, for those who fear You—an undeserved blessing indeed.

I lift this reader up to You and ask that You reveal a deeper understanding of what it means to fear You rightly. Speak to their hearts, and if they lack understanding, lead them to seek Your guidance on this matter. Sometimes, life’s traumas can build walls that make it hard to ask for Your insight, so I ask that You gently bypass those fears and reveal to them what it truly means to FEAR You.

Help them to be excited about the prospect of having the Angel of the Lord encamped around them and protect them with Your divine presence. If they do not yet feel this excitement, ignite in them a wonder and desire to experience Your protection and the confidence of having the God of the universe safeguarding them.

For those who seek You and have read this far, I ask in faith that You show Yourself to them in a way that is personal and clear. May Your glory be evident in all our lives.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

© 2024 Amanda Allen. All rights reserved.

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