The "Wild Ones": Wild Souls Transformed by the Love of Jesus
Updated: Aug 3, 2023
In a world that often seeks to confine us within rigid boundaries, wild souls roam free, unbound by the chains of convention. They are the audacious explorers, the daring dreamers, and the fearless wanderers. And just as the untamed wind sweeps across the landscapes, so does the love of Jesus sweep across their hearts.
Jesus, the embodiment of boundless love, has a special place in His heart for these wild souls. He loves them fiercely, for He sees the hidden potential within them. Like the apostle Paul, whose life was once consumed by zealotry and fear, these free spirits possess a fire that, once ignited by the love of Christ, can burn brighter than a thousand suns.
Proverbs 1:7 beckons us to grasp the essence of fearing the Lord, not in trembling anxiety, but in a willingness to give priority to His heart. To embrace the fear of the Lord is to align our hearts with His divine wisdom, loving what He loves and hating what He hates. It is the exhilarating journey of surrendering our limited understanding to embrace His eternal truth, a dance of submission and adoration.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,
but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
For the wild soul, fearing the Lord is not about being tamed or stifled; it is about being set free. It is the liberty to become the best version of oneself, liberated from the shackles of self-destructive patterns and misguided ambitions. Just as the prodigal son, wild souls are beckoned home, and in the warm embrace of the Father's love, they find purpose and direction.
The transformation of the apostle Paul is a testament to the power of God's love in shaping even the wildest hearts. Paul, once a zealous persecutor of Christians, encountered the risen Christ on the road to Damascus. In that moment, the fire that once burned with hostility toward Christ's followers was redirected, and his fervor became an unstoppable force for spreading the Gospel.
Paul's boldness and fearlessness were not quelled; rather, they were sanctified, purified by the love of Christ. The same untamed spirit that once fueled his persecution of Christians now inspired him to preach fearlessly, heal the sick, and endure countless hardships for the sake of the Gospel. The wildness of his soul became the driving force behind his relentless pursuit of God's glory.
Indeed, these free spirits, once captivated by the boundless love of Jesus, can become some of the greatest followers of Christ the world has ever known. Their adventurous spirits now set ablaze by divine purpose, their fearlessness transformed into a bold proclamation of truth, and their audacity harnessed to conquer new frontiers for the Kingdom.
As we encounter these wild souls, let us be the vessels of God's love and grace in their lives. Let us emulate Jesus' unconditional acceptance, inviting them to the table of fellowship and affirming the beauty of their uniqueness. As we quote Scripture, may it resonate in their hearts like the echo of their truest identity, drawing them closer to the heart of their Maker.
So, let us celebrate the wildness of these souls and embrace the transformative power of Christ's love. In this divine dance of freedom and reverence, may we witness the untamed spirit finding its true home, and in the radiant light of God's love, may they discover the purpose they were created for—to glorify the One who loves them unconditionally. Here are some more "wild ones" whom Jesus, the embodiment of love and compassion, holds dear to His heart. With the example of biblical encounters, we witness how Jesus embraced and transformed the lives of these audacious individuals, turning fear into freedom and untamed spirits into vessels of God's glory.
1. Mary Magdalene - The Restored Free Spirit: Mary Magdalene, once tormented by seven demons, epitomizes the wild soul Jesus loved. Her untamed spirit had led her astray, but when she encountered the Savior, love replaced fear, and freedom replaced bondage. She became one of Jesus' most devoted followers, standing fearlessly at the foot of the cross and being the first witness of the risen Christ.
2. Zacchaeus - Climbing to New Heights: Zacchaeus, the despised tax collector, was a wild one in his own right. He sought to glimpse Jesus, climbing a sycamore tree in pursuit of the truth. In response, Jesus showed him love and acceptance, inviting Himself to Zacchaeus' house. In that encounter, a transformed heart led to Zacchaeus giving half of his possessions to the poor and repaying those he had cheated fourfold.
3. The Woman at the Well - Drawing Water, Finding Life: A Samaritan woman, burdened by the weight of her past, encountered Jesus at Jacob's well. Her life was defined by broken relationships and societal rejection. Yet, Jesus did not shy away from her wild spirit; instead, He offered living water that would quench her soul's thirst forever. She left her water jar and ran to share the transformative love she had found.
4. The Prodigal Son - From Recklessness to Redemption: The parable of the Prodigal Son resonates deeply with every wild spirit who has strayed from the path. The younger son's recklessness led him astray, but even in his lowest moment, the Father's love remained steadfast. Upon his return, the wild soul was embraced with open arms and restored to his place in the family.
Jesus' love for the wild ones knows no bounds. When these untamed spirits encounter the Savior, fear is replaced with freedom, and their audacity becomes a catalyst for embracing God's glory. In the light of Christ's love, the wild ones find their true identity, their untamed spirits harnessed for the Kingdom's purpose. May we, like Jesus, embrace these unbridled souls, ushering them into a journey of transformation where they find the love and freedom they were created for.
Amanda Allen
Write & Blogger
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