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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Writer's pictureBeTheFire

The Power of Jesus’ Name: Incredible Stories of Protection and Miracles Through His Name Alone!

The NAME of the Lord is a  fortified tower;  the righteous run to it and are safe!! Proverbs 18:10

The NAME of the Lord is a 

fortified tower; 

the righteous run to it and are safe!!

Proverbs 18:10

A tower is often seen as tall and hard to reach—a place of great protection from the world below, or sometimes even a place of captivity, like a prison. But a fortified tower is much more than just a structure; it’s a stronghold designed to shield against attack. It’s not just a beautiful, ancient concept; it’s a sanctuary specifically built for times of battle. When under siege, this is where one seeks refuge, knowing it's been created for the sole purpose of protection during the fiercest of conflicts.

The NAME of Jesus IS the fortress, not an actual building. 
The NAME of Jesus is our shield, not an actual visual shield. 

The power of His name lies not in symbolism, but in the active protection it offers to those who call upon it. The imagery of a fortified tower is just a picture to help us grasp the unmatched strength and power in the name of Jesus.

In every spiritual conflict, His name IS the ultimate refuge, the steadfast fortress against chaos.

How beautiful and loving is it that God gave us such a powerful name? What other god has provided something so simple and untouchable as a name to call upon in our deepest battles, offering us an immediate fortified tower? God didn’t give us a physical weapon that could be taken away; instead, He gave us a name that no person, institution, or demon can ever take from us. No other religion offers this—while their gods may be represented in wood or images, no one else has a weapon like the NAME of Jesus.

The name of Jesus stands in stark contrast to physical weapons like guns, bows, and knives. A gun requires purchase, maintenance, cleaning, and bullets. It demands training and practice to wield effectively, and it’s something you must physically carry, which can limit its accessibility and convenience.

Similarly, a bow and arrow need skill and extensive practice to use proficiently. They are cumbersome, difficult to transport, and require careful packing. They are not easily carried everywhere, making them less practical for sudden or unexpected situations.

Even a knife, while more portable than a gun or bow, still has limitations. It doesn't travel well in all circumstances and requires precision and skill to use effectively. Like the other weapons, it needs to be handled with care and practice.

In contrast, God’s wisdom shines through in the gift of the name of Jesus. It’s not something that needs to be bought, cleaned, or maintained. It doesn’t require physical space or special training to use. The name of Jesus travels with us, fitting seamlessly into every situation. It has spiritual power and is always within reach, accessible at any moment. It’s a divine tool that doesn’t demand physical precision or practice, but rather operates through faith and belief, making it an ever-present fortress in our lives.

The NAME of the Lord is a  fortified tower;  the righteous run to it and are safe!! Proverbs 18:10

I remember two instances where I was saved solely by the name of Jesus. The first occurred while I was driving with my three young boys in the back seat. As I was turning left to cross a bridge, a car came speeding around the corner, headed straight for the left side of our vehicle. Feeling helpless, all I could do was scream, "JESUS," as I tried to maneuver my car, which was nearly impossible on the bridge. Though the situation unfolded in what felt like both fast and slow motion, it was as if the car coming toward us miraculously moved around or over us in an inexplicable way. I have no idea how we escaped unharmed, but the moment I realized we were in danger, the name of JESUS instinctively came out of my mouth. Instantly, we were shielded by a spiritual fortress, receiving immediate protection through the power of His name.

The second time this happened, I was driving alone on the George Bush Turnpike in Dallas during rush hour—an experience you know can be absolutely chaotic. As I was navigating through the congested traffic, with just a light drizzle falling, I signaled to change lanes. For reasons only God knows, my car suddenly went into a spin. Everything around me blurred as the spinning grew faster, and I could only anticipate the collision with the many cars I was sure were about to hit me.

In the midst of the chaos, the first thing that came out of my mouth was simply, “JESUS.” Not a prayer or a plea, just His name. As soon as I uttered it, it was like my car was guided onto rails. The spinning ceased, and my vehicle straightened out, coming to a stop on the shoulder of the road. I sat there shaking, my glasses thrown onto the back seat, a bruise on my knee, and my elbow stinging from impact. Despite the chaos of traffic speeding past, no one came to my car, and I was too terrified to get out.

Then, I saw police cars approaching. Relieved, I awaited their help. The officer who arrived seemed almost irritated, which confused me given my state of shock. When I explained what had happened, he had to inspect my car to verify my story. He found some red paint on the wall and noted that the front right end of my car was slightly damaged from hitting it. When I asked about the other cars I had supposedly hit, he looked at me as if I were mad—there were no other cars involved, only the wall.

After ensuring I was safe to drive, the officer let me go. By the time I got home, all the water in my car had evaporated, but I was alive and unharmed. I drove a rental for a week while my car was repaired, but during that harrowing experience, the name of Jesus was once again my fortified tower. His name provided me instant protection in a way I can’t fully explain. Glory to God for the refuge He offers through the name of Jesus! These are just two of countless stories where His name has become an immediate sanctuary for me.

The NAME of the Lord is a  fortified tower;  the righteous run to it and are safe!! Proverbs 18:10

If you are a child of God then God sees you as a righteous child of his. scripture write. And just like me, you can have this same promise and power from God for everyday life.

If you dont know God, I invite you to learn more about Him. All I ask is that you let go of your preconcieved notions and ideas. Let go of what you think he is. Let go of church hurts and forget about any chirstian that you saw walk in hypocripsy. We arent suppose to be like christians we are suppose to live more like CHrist. Every christian is on their jounrey at different paces. Please give them grace as they grow in Christ. Church hurts, HURT! I know. I have them too. But God to be like Christ, not like Karen, GLoria, Ann, Mark, Joe, Dave, Bob, Mary, Bill, Sydney, and so on. You get my point.

If you are a child of God, then God sees you as righteous and beloved. Scripture affirms this promise: "But to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God" (John 1:12). Just as I have experienced, you too can embrace this promise and the power it brings to your everyday life.

If you don't know God, I invite you to explore who He is. Set aside any preconceived notions or ideas you may have. Let go of past hurts from church experiences and forget about any Christians who may have acted hypocritically. Remember, we are called not to be like other Christians but to live more like Christ. Each Christian is on their own journey, growing at their own pace, and deserves grace as they grow. I understand that church hurts can be deeply painful; I’ve experienced them myself. But the goal is to reflect Christ, not to be like any individual—whether Karen, Gloria, Ann, Mark, Joe, Dave, Bob, Mary, or Sydney. The focus is on Christ, not on people.


Heavenly Father, I come before You in the name of Jesus. I am grateful for the wondrous ways You have cared for me and my family. Thank You for powerfully working in my life and allowing me to share these stories for Your glory.

I lift up the person reading this article. If they have experienced hurt or encountered Christians on their bad days or during difficult seasons, please help them to forgive and shift their focus from the flaws and failures of others to Your Son, Jesus. Grant them a softer heart and kinder eyes, and heal any wounds they carry. I ask You to dismantle any barriers the enemy has erected that have kept them from seeing who You truly are.

I desire for every person to know Jesus deeply. Though I may lack the words and wisdom to convey this on my own, I trust You, Jesus, to complete this story and nurture the seeds I’ve sown. May they experience a transformed life through Your grace.

Thank You, Father, for revealing Yourself to this reader. All glory to You. Amen.

© 2024 Amanda Allen. All rights reserved.

Please share this message with a hurting world and respectfully direct readers back to Kingdom Revelations.


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