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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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The Letter to Pergamum: Confronting Compromise and Holding Fast Revelation 2:12-17

In the book of Revelation, the messages to the seven churches provide valuable insights and instructions for believers throughout history. Among these churches is Pergamum, a community facing a unique set of challenges. In Revelation 2:12-17, we encounter the letter addressed to the church in Pergamum, which presents important lessons on confronting compromise, remaining faithful, and the call to overcome. Let us explore this passage and uncover its timeless wisdom.

Verse 12: The Authority of the One with the Sharp Two-Edged Sword:

The letter begins with an acknowledgment of Jesus Christ's authority as the One who holds a sharp two-edged sword. This powerful imagery signifies His discernment and judgment. It sets the tone for the confronting message to the church in Pergamum and emphasizes the importance of upholding truth and righteousness.

"But to the angel of the church in Pergamum write: 'The words of him who has the sharp two-edged sword.'" (Revelation 2:12)

The two-edged sword is symbolic of the Word of God. The sharpness of the sword represents its ability to discern truth from falsehood, penetrate the heart and soul, and bring conviction and judgment.

Throughout the Bible, the Word of God is often described as a sword. Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." The Word of God has the power to expose hidden motives, bring clarity, and bring about transformation in the lives of believers.

By acknowledging Jesus as the one who possesses the sharp two-edged sword, the church in Pergamum is called to heed His words, repent from any ungodly practices or teachings, and align themselves with the truth of God's Word. It is a call to spiritual discernment, correction, and obedience to the teachings of Christ.

Verse 13: The Context of Persecution:

Pergamum was a city known for its pagan worship, particularly the cult of Emperor worship. The church in Pergamum faced the challenge of living in a society saturated with idolatry and pagan practices. Despite their location in the midst of spiritual darkness, there were faithful believers who held fast to their faith in Christ.

"I know where you dwell, where Satan's throne is. Yet you hold fast my name, and you did not deny my faith even in the days of Antipas my faithful witness, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells." (Revelation 2:13)

There are several references to where Satan is described as dwelling or operating. Here are a few notable passages:

  1. Job 1:6-7 - Satan's presence in heaven: In this passage, Satan is seen in the presence of God among the sons of God, presenting himself before the Lord. This suggests that at least during the time of Job, Satan had access to the heavenly realms.

  2. Matthew 4:1-11 - Satan tempting Jesus in the wilderness: In this account, Satan tempts Jesus after His forty days of fasting in the wilderness. Satan is depicted as having the ability to approach and tempt individuals on Earth.

  3. Ephesians 2:2 - Ruler of the kingdom of the air: Think "airwaves", "wifi", "www.coms", social media, news media, and the like. In this context, it shouldn't be surprising about the misinformation, corrupt media, and censorship taking place. In this verse, Satan is described as the "prince of the power of the air" who is at work in the disobedient. It suggests that Satan operates in the spiritual realm, exerting influence and promoting disobedience among those who do not follow God.

  4. 1 Peter 5:8 - Satan as a roaring lion: This verse warns believers to be sober-minded and watchful because their adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. It implies that Satan actively seeks to harm and lead people astray.

  5. Revelation 12:9 - Satan cast down to earth: This verse describes a heavenly battle in which Satan is defeated and cast down to the earth with his angels. It signifies that Satan's dwelling place shifted from the heavenly realms to the earth.

  6. Revelation 2:13 states, "I know where you dwell, where Satan's throne is. Yet you hold fast my name, and you did not deny my faith even in the days of Antipas my faithful witness, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells." While the biblical text doesn't provide specific details about Antipas' martyrdom, some historical accounts and traditional interpretations suggest that he was martyred during the reign of Nero (54-68 AD). According to some traditions, Antipas was reportedly put to death by being burned in a brazen bull-shaped altar at the temple of Apollo in Lyon (or Geneva), Switzerland. This is also the location of CERN. Thats another dark topic altogether.

Verse 14-15: The Danger of Compromise:

The letter to Pergamum highlights a critical issue within the church: the presence of those who hold to the teaching of Balaam and the Nicolaitans. Balaam and the Nicolaitans were known for promoting compromise and indulging in idolatrous practices. Jesus condemns such behavior, emphasizing the importance of maintaining fidelity to His teachings and separating from the influence of false teachings.

"But I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel so that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice sexual immorality. So also you have some who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans." (Revelation 2:14-15)

Balaam is referred to as a prophet in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in the Book of Numbers (chapters 22-24). Here is a summary of what Balaam did:

  • King Balak's Request: The Moabite king, Balak, saw the Israelites approaching his land and feared their strength. He sent messengers to Balaam, a renowned prophet, with the request to curse the Israelites so that they would not be a threat to his kingdom.

  • God's Intervention: Balaam sought God's guidance regarding Balak's request. Initially, God instructed Balaam not to go with the messengers and not to curse the Israelites because they were blessed by God. Balaam relayed this message to Balak's messengers.

  • Second Request: Balak persisted and sent more distinguished messengers, promising Balaam great rewards and honor. Balaam again inquired of God, and this time, God permitted him to go but with the condition that he would speak only the words God gave him.

  • Balaam's Journey: Balaam set out on his journey with the Moabite officials, but God was angry because Balaam's heart was not entirely devoted to following His instructions. God sent an angel to oppose Balaam on the way.

  • Talking Donkey: Balaam's donkey saw the angel and tried to avoid it, causing Balaam to become frustrated and strike the donkey. Eventually, God allowed the donkey to speak, questioning Balaam's actions. This supernatural event made Balaam realize his error.

  • Balak's Offerings: Balaam arrived in Moab and met King Balak. Balak led him to various high places, where he hoped the prophet would curse the Israelites. Instead, Balaam offered blessings and prophetic words from God, proclaiming the greatness of Israel.

  • Balaam's Influence: Although Balaam did not curse the Israelites directly, he devised a plan to lead them into sin and separation from God. He advised Balak to entice the Israelites with Moabite women and idolatrous practices, which led to a significant number of Israelites turning away from God and facing divine judgment.

Balaam's story serves as a warning against greed, compromise, and the manipulation of spiritual gifts for personal gain. Despite his initial intentions to follow God's instructions, Balaam's heart became corrupted, leading him to devise a plan that ultimately brought harm to the Israelites.

Balaam is described as someone who had the ability to receive divine messages and communicate them to others. However, his actions and motives became questionable, as he allowed greed and personal gain to influence his behavior. While he started as a prophet, his actions moved away from his divine calling, and he became associated with being a diviner or one who practices divination. Divination involves seeking supernatural knowledge (demonic, not Godly) or guidance through various means, often for personal or worldly purposes. So, Balaam's role can be seen as a complex combination of being a prophet, initially chosen by God, but also succumbing to the temptation of divination and using his gifts for personal gain.


We call this spirit of influence a demonic presence known as the spirit of balaam or the teaching/doctrine of balaam. The mention of balaam's name also appears in 2 Peter 2:15 and Jude 1:11, where false teachers and their conduct are warned against. The doctrine of balaam is not only a significant problem but a cunning one. When direct opposition did not succeed, Balaam resorted to a covert approach. Read that again and understand how this spirit works and why.


Verse 16: The Call to Repentance and Overcoming:

In verse 16, Jesus urges the church in Pergamum to repent of their compromised ways. He warns that unless they turn away from false teachings and practices, He will come and war against them with the sword of His mouth. The call to repentance is a reminder of God's desire for His people to live in alignment with His truth and righteousness.

"Therefore repent. If not, I will come to you soon and war against them with the sword of my mouth." (Revelation 2:16)

Verse 17: The Promise of Spiritual Nourishment:

To those who overcome and remain faithful, Jesus promises a hidden manna and a white stone with a new name written on it. This symbolic promise speaks of spiritual sustenance, intimate communion with God, and a new identity in Christ. It serves as a reminder that the ultimate reward for those who stand firm in their faith is a deeper fellowship with the Lord.

"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone, a new name written, which no one knows except him who receives it."

The mention of "hidden manna" refers to spiritual sustenance or nourishment that is not readily apparent or accessible to everyone. It symbolizes the deeper truths and spiritual blessings that God provides to His faithful followers. Just as manna sustained the Israelites in the wilderness, this hidden manna represents the divine provision and satisfaction that believers will experience in their relationship with God.

On the white stone, a new name is written, known only to the one who receives it. This new name signifies a personal and intimate relationship with God, denoting a unique identity and a deep connection between the individual and their Creator. It reflects the idea of being known and cherished by God in a profound and individualized way.

The letter to the church in Pergamum in Revelation 2:12-17 provides timeless wisdom for believers. It emphasizes the importance of upholding truth, confronting compromise, and remaining faithful to Christ's teachings. The church is called to heed the authoritative message of Jesus, represented by the sharp two-edged sword, which signifies discernment and judgment. Despite residing in a spiritually challenging environment, the faithful believers in Pergamum are commended for holding fast to their faith, even in the face of persecution. The dangers of compromise and false teachings, symbolized by Balaam and the Nicolaitans, are condemned, urging the church to separate from such influences.

Repentance and overcoming are emphasized, with the promise of spiritual nourishment and a new identity for those who remain faithful. This passage serves as a reminder for all believers to uphold truth, resist compromise, and seek intimate communion with God in their spiritual journey.

If you have been blessed with a deep understanding or personal revelation concerning these passages, I encourage you to share your insights by leaving a comment or contacting me at I firmly believe in the transformative power of diving into the Scriptures, examining them in connection with other passages, and uncovering hidden truths. Let us embark on a journey together to explore the profound depths of God's Word and uncover the abundant treasures it holds. It is through thoughtful discussion and diligent study that our understanding grows. May we always approach the Scriptures with reverence and a fervent desire for deeper revelation.

Amanda Allen

Write & Blogger

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