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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Writer's pictureBeTheFire

Speaking the Wisdom of Psalm 18 to Your Life: Overflowing Mercy.

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

Let's personalizing Psalm 18 for Daily Guidance. We can use this psalm as a source of inspiration, comfort, and guidance in your daily walk of faith. This is a great way to make the ancient words of Scripture come alive in your present context and help each one of us navigate our personal journey with God. Insert your personal needs!

The love of God Is Mercy towards us.

Lord, I cherish your boundless mercy, wholeheartedly trusting in it, and I offer my gratitude for its presence. I declare your unfailing mercy to overflow into every facet of our lives:

I rejoice and give thanks to the Lord, for His goodness knows no end. His enduring mercy shall prevail in my marriage. His mercy shall encompass the lives of my children, extending infinitely. Within the walls of my home, Gods unwavering mercy reigns forever. And in the realm of my businesses, His mercy endures, an everlasting source of grace and favor and blessings.

In the lives of my animals, His enduring mercy reigns. His boundless mercy overflows into our finances, guiding and multiplying them. Throughout all the journeys and travels of me and my loved ones, His enduring mercy faithfully accompanies us. For our church leaders, Gods unwavering mercy shall sustain them and guide them forever. And throughout the miraculous journey of all our healings, God's enduring mercy prevails.

In the lives of my loved ones, His enduring mercy reigns. Over my city, His boundless mercyis a guiding light forever. Within the halls of our public schools, Gods enduring mercy is bringing protection, wisdom and grace forever. Throughout the land of the United States, His mercy endures and protects. In every personal, family, business, and national crisis, Gods mercy endures, an unshakable foundation of strength, restoration and protection.

In the ever-advancing realm of technology, His enduring mercy guides us through the whirlwind of progress forever. Against the deeds of evil, orchestrated by those who seek destruction for all humankind, Gods mercy endures as a shield forever. Let all who revere the Lord proclaim with certainty that His mercy is reigning. In times of distress, I cry out to the Lord, and He hears my voice, granting me a spacious place of refuge and answering all my prayers. With the Lord by my side, I shall not yield to fear; man possesses no power over me! My trust is in the Lord, for I place no reliance on mere mortals.

I shall not be die, but I shall live on, proclaiming the magnificent deeds of the Lord. My children will not die; they, too, shall become messengers of the Lord's wondrous works. My spouse shall not be overtaken by death, but shall continue to declare the remarkable works of the Lord. Neither my parents nor my siblings shall be consumed by death; instead, they shall stand as witnesses, proclaiming the glorious works of the Lord.

Today is a gift from the Lord, carefully designed for us; let's rejoice and find abundant joy in it. 'Lord, we seek and ask for Your guidance wisdom, discernment and abundant blessings. Shower Your prosperity upon us, O Lord, spiritually, physically and mentally, all In Jesus Name!

I wholeheartedly thank you Lord, for Your goodness is unquestionable; Your enduring mercy remains unwavering!

Kingdom Revelations- Gods love letters to His church.

Amanda Allen

"Give mercy, and you shall receive it. Seek it with a humble heart, and you shall surely find it. Believe in its boundless grace, and be forever thankful for the mercy that flows from the heart of God."~~aa


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