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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Revelation 1:12-20 and the Divine Encounter & the 7 Churches

Updated: May 16, 2023

In Revelation 1:12-20, we encounter a vivid and awe-inspiring vision that the apostle John experienced on the island of Patmos. Let us delve into this passage and explore its profound significance:

Verse 12: A Glimpse of the Glorious Vision

"I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned, I saw seven golden lampstands."

As John hears the voice speaking to him, he turns to behold the source of the voice. What he sees is a breathtaking sight—a vision of seven golden lampstands. These lampstands symbolize the seven churches to which the book of Revelation is addressed. The imagery of the golden lampstands represents the radiance, purity, and divine presence of God's people. It is a reminder that the church, as the light of the world, carries the message of Christ and illuminates the darkness around it.

The symbolism of the seven golden lampstands in Revelation holds significant meaning and represents the seven churches addressed in the book. Here is an explanation of the symbolism:

  1. Light and Illumination: Lampstands, in general, symbolize light and illumination. They represent the presence of God and the spreading of His truth and revelation. The lampstands in Revelation symbolize the role of the churches in being bearers of God's light, shining His truth into the world.

  2. The Church: The lampstands specifically represent the seven churches mentioned in Revelation (Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea). Each lampstand represents an individual church and signifies its unique role and responsibility in reflecting God's light and truth.

  3. Spiritual Nourishment: Lampstands also represent the spiritual nourishment provided by the churches. Just as a lamp gives light to guide and nourish, the churches are called to provide spiritual guidance, teaching, and encouragement to believers, helping them grow in their faith.

  4. Unity and Oneness: The fact that there are seven lampstands signifies unity and completeness. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of the churches and their shared purpose in fulfilling God's mission. Though each church has its unique characteristics and challenges, they are united in their collective responsibility to shine God's light and fulfill His purposes.

  5. Accountability: The lampstands also represent the accountability of the churches. Just as a lampstand is meant to hold a light and be visible, the churches are accountable for representing God's truth and living according to His Word. They are called to uphold righteousness, purity, and faithfulness in their conduct and teachings.

Understanding the symbolism of the seven golden lampstands helps us grasp the significance of the messages directed to each church in Revelation. It reminds us of the vital role of the Church in spreading God's light, providing spiritual nourishment, and embodying His presence in the world. It also serves as a call to individual believers to live as shining lights within their communities, reflecting God's truth and love.

Verse 13: The Son of Man Among the Lampstands "In the midst of the lampstands was one like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest."

As John continues to describe the vision, he sees someone standing among the lampstands. This figure is none other than Jesus Christ, referred to as the "Son of Man." Jesus is depicted wearing a long robe that reaches his feet, signifying his authority and majesty. The golden sash around his chest represents his priestly role and the righteousness with which he governs. This portrayal emphasizes the exalted position of Jesus and his presence in the midst of his church.

The golden sash around Jesus' chest carries symbolic significance representing several key aspects of His identity and authority. Here are some interpretations of the symbolism:

  1. Royalty and Kingship: In ancient times, a sash was worn by kings and royalty as a symbol of their authority and power. The golden sash worn by Jesus signifies His kingship and sovereignty. It highlights His divine authority over all creation and His role as the ruler and Lord of all.

  2. Priestly Role: The golden sash also connects to the priestly symbolism in the Old Testament. In the book of Exodus, the high priest wore a sash made of fine linen and gold thread. The sash represented the priest's consecration and his role as a mediator between God and His people. By wearing the golden sash, Jesus embodies His dual role as both King and High Priest, uniquely qualified to intercede on behalf of humanity.

  3. Divine Glory and Majesty: Gold is often associated with divinity, glory, and majesty. The golden sash emphasizes the exalted nature of Jesus and His divine attributes. It signifies His radiant glory and the splendor of His heavenly position. It serves as a visual representation of His divine majesty and the honor due to Him.

  4. Authority and Power: The sash signifies Jesus' absolute authority and power. It signifies His right to rule and His ability to enforce His will. The golden color of the sash represents the purity and perfection of His authority, untainted by any earthly limitations or flaws. It reminds us that Jesus has ultimate control over all things and that His reign is eternal.

  5. Fulfillment of Prophecy: The golden sash also alludes to Old Testament prophecies that speak of the coming Messiah and His royal nature. For example, Isaiah 11:5 prophesies that the Messiah will be clothed with righteousness and faithfulness, which can be symbolized by the golden sash.

Verse 14: The Glorious Appearance of Jesus "The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire."

John proceeds to describe the majestic appearance of Jesus. His hair, white like wool, symbolizes his wisdom, purity, and eternal nature. His eyes, blazing like fire, signify his penetrating gaze that sees and discerns all things. This imagery highlights the divine attributes of Jesus, portraying him as the all-knowing and righteous Judge.

The color white holds significant symbolism in various contexts, including religious, cultural, and spiritual realms. In the context of Revelation and biblical symbolism, white is often associated with the following meanings:

  1. Purity and Holiness: White is commonly associated with purity, cleanliness, and innocence. It represents moral and spiritual purity, untainted by sin. In Revelation, white garments or robes are often used to symbolize the righteousness of believers who have been washed and cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. It signifies their forgiveness, redemption, and sanctification.

  2. Light and Illumination: White is closely associated with light and illumination. It represents truth, clarity, and enlightenment. The radiance of Christ's appearance is described as being as "white as snow" or "like the sun." This imagery suggests the divine and glorious nature of Christ, whose presence brings light into the darkness and reveals the truth.

  3. Victory and Triumph: White is often associated with victory and triumph over adversity. White is used to symbolize the victorious state of those who have overcome trials and persecution through faith in Christ. The victorious ones are depicted as wearing white robes, signifying their ultimate triumph and eternal reward.

  4. Resurrection and New Life: White is also connected to the concept of resurrection and new life. It represents the transformation from death to life, from corruption to incorruptibility. The white color is associated with the resurrection of the righteous and the promise of eternal life in the presence of God.

  5. Heavenly and Divine Realm: White is commonly associated with the divine and heavenly realm. It represents the glory, purity, and transcendence of God. The heavenly beings, such as angels and elders, are often described as being clothed in white garments, emphasizing their holiness and their close proximity to God.

Fire holds significant symbolism throughout the Bible, representing various spiritual and transformative aspects. Here are some key symbolic meanings of fire in the Bible:

  1. Divine Presence and Holiness: Fire often represents the presence of God and His holiness. In the Old Testament, God appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush, signifying His divine presence and holiness. Additionally, during the Israelites' journey in the wilderness, God led them by a pillar of fire at night, serving as a visible manifestation of His presence among them.

  2. Purification and Refinement: Fire is a symbol of purification and refinement. It is used to purify metals by removing impurities, symbolizing the process of refining and purifying one's faith and character. In the New Testament, John the Baptist prophesied that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire, signifying the transformative work of the Holy Spirit in purifying and sanctifying believers.

  3. Judgment and Testing: Fire is associated with judgment and testing in the Bible. It represents God's righteous judgment and His refining process to separate the righteous from the unrighteous. In several passages, fire is depicted as a means of testing the quality of one's works or revealing the true nature of things.

  4. Spiritual Zeal and Passion: Fire is often used to symbolize spiritual zeal, passion, and fervor. In the book of Acts, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples as tongues of fire, empowering and igniting them with zeal for proclaiming the Gospel. It represents the fervent love, devotion, and enthusiasm in serving God and spreading His Word.

  5. Consuming and Transforming Power: Fire is a symbol of God's consuming and transforming power. In the Old Testament, fire consumed the sacrifices on the altar, signifying the acceptance and favor of God. It also represents the purging and transforming work of the Holy Spirit in believers' lives, burning away impurities and empowering them to live according to God's will.

  6. Revelation and Illumination: Fire is associated with revelation and illumination, representing the light and truth of God. In various biblical accounts, fire is used to communicate divine messages or visions, symbolizing God's revelation and guidance. It represents the illumination and enlightenment of the Spirit in understanding God's Word and discerning His will.

  7. Eternal Punishment: Fire is also associated with the concept of eternal punishment and destruction. In passages like the description of hell or the lake of fire, fire is used symbolically to portray the everlasting consequences of rejecting God's salvation and living in disobedience.

Eyes carry rich symbolism in the Bible, representing various spiritual and metaphorical meanings. Here are some symbolic interpretations of eyes in the biblical context:

  1. Perception and Understanding: Eyes symbolize the ability to see and perceive both physically and spiritually. They represent the capacity for discernment, understanding, and gaining insight into God's truth and wisdom. In Psalm 119:18, the psalmist prays, "Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law," expressing a desire for spiritual understanding and revelation.

  2. Spiritual Discernment: Eyes also symbolize spiritual discernment, the ability to distinguish between good and evil, truth and falsehood. In Matthew 13:16, Jesus commends his disciples, saying, "Blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear," referring to their ability to comprehend and perceive the mysteries of God's kingdom.

  3. Watchfulness and Vigilance: Eyes symbolize watchfulness and vigilance, being alert and attentive to spiritual matters. Jesus instructs his followers to "watch and pray" (Matthew 26:41), emphasizing the importance of staying spiritually awake and aware in order to resist temptation and remain faithful.

  4. God's Omniscience: Eyes represent God's omniscience and all-seeing nature. In Psalm 139:16, the psalmist acknowledges, "Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be," recognizing God's intimate knowledge and awareness of every aspect of our lives.

  5. Judgment and Accountability: Eyes symbolize God's judgment and accountability. Hebrews 4:13 states, "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account," emphasizing the idea that God sees and knows all, and one day, we will be held accountable for our actions.

  6. Divine Protection and Guidance: Eyes represent God's protective and guiding presence. In Psalm 32:8, the psalmist declares, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you," conveying the assurance of God's guidance and care.

  7. Spiritual Illumination: Eyes symbolize spiritual illumination and enlightenment. In Ephesians 1:18, Paul prays for believers, asking that "the eyes of [their] heart may be enlightened in order that [they] may know the hope to which he has called [them]," highlighting the need for spiritual revelation and understanding.

These symbolic interpretations of eyes in the Bible underscore their significance in conveying spiritual concepts such as perception, discernment, watchfulness, divine knowledge, judgment, guidance, and illumination.

Verse 15: Feet Like Bronze and a Voice Like Many Waters "His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters."

John's vision continues with the description of Jesus' feet, which resemble glowing bronze in a furnace. The image of bronze symbolizes strength, endurance, and judgment. Jesus' voice is compared to the sound of rushing waters, indicating its power, authority, and ability to bring forth transformation. This portrayal emphasizes the sovereignty and commanding presence of Jesus.

In the Bible, the symbolism of "feet like bronze" is associated with strength, stability, and divine judgment. Here are a few key symbolic interpretations:

  1. Strength and Stability: Feet like bronze symbolize strength and stability. Bronze is a durable and strong metal, often associated with endurance and firmness. When describing "feet like bronze", it signifies a solid foundation and unwavering strength. It emphasizes the unshakable nature of God's presence and His ability to provide a secure and reliable foundation for His people.

  2. Divine Judgment: "Feet like bronze" can also represent divine judgment and authority as seen here in Revelation 1:15, the description of Jesus' feet like bronze glowing in a furnace indicates His authority to judge and execute justice. It highlights the righteousness and purity of His judgments, reflecting the idea that God's justice is unyielding and uncorrupted.

  3. Conquering Power:" Feet like bronze" can symbolize conquering power. In Daniel 10:6, a vision describes an angel with "feet like the gleam of burnished bronze," representing his strength and power. This imagery signifies the angel's authority and ability to overcome obstacles and accomplish God's purposes.

  4. Purification and Refinement: Bronze is often associated with purification and refinement in the Bible. In Ezekiel 1:7, the feet of the heavenly beings are described as sparkling like burnished bronze, symbolizing the purity and holiness of God's divine presence. This imagery conveys the process of refinement and purification that believers undergo in their spiritual journey.

Overall, the symbolism of "feet like bronze" emphasizes strength, stability, divine judgment, conquering power, and purification. It portrays God's unyielding authority, His ability to uphold His people, and the righteousness of His judgments.

The symbolism of a "voice like many waters" in the Bible represents power, authority, and the majesty of God's voice. Here are a few key symbolic interpretations:

  1. Power and Authority: A "voice like many waters" signifies the immense power and authority of God. Water is often associated with strength and force, and when used to describe a voice, it amplifies the idea of God's commanding presence. It suggests that God's voice carries weight and dominion over all creation, underscoring His supreme authority.

  2. Majesty and Splendor: The imagery of a "voice like many waters" evokes a sense of grandeur and magnificence. Just as the crashing waves of the sea can be awe-inspiring, a voice like many waters conveys the majestic nature of God's voice. It emphasizes His glory and splendor, capturing the attention and reverence of those who hear it.

  3. Cleansing and Renewal: Water is often associated with cleansing and renewal in the Bible. A "voice like many waters" can symbolize the purifying and transformative power of God's Word. It suggests that His voice brings forth spiritual cleansing and restoration, washing away impurities and bringing new life to those who listen and obey.

  4. Abundance and Overflowing Grace: Water is also a symbol of abundance and overflowing grace. A "voice like many waters" indicates the abundance of God's blessings, mercy, and love. It portrays His boundless provision and the richness of His grace, reminding believers of His faithfulness and the abundant life found in Him.

Verse 16: The Glorious Countenance and Authority of Jesus "In his right hand, he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance."

John further describes Jesus' appearance. In his right hand, Jesus holds seven stars, representing the angels or messengers of the seven churches. This signifies Jesus' authority and control over the spiritual leadership and guidance of the church. Out of his mouth proceeds a sharp, double-edged sword, symbolizing the Word of God, which is powerful and capable of discerning truth from falsehood. Jesus' face shines with radiant glory, akin to the brilliance of the sun, signifying his divine splendor and majesty.

Verse 17-20: The Encounter with the Risen Christ "When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: 'Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades. Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later. The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches."

In this powerful encounter with the risen Christ, John is overwhelmed by the presence of the glorious and exalted Savior. Upon seeing Him, John falls at His feet in awe and reverence, recognizing his own unworthiness before the Lord. But instead of condemnation, Jesus extends His right hand, a gesture of compassion and reassurance, comforting John and dispelling his fear. The words of Jesus affirm His eternal nature, declaring Himself as the First and the Last, the beginning and the end. He emphasizes His victory over death, having conquered it through His resurrection, and proclaims His everlasting life. In this proclamation, Jesus holds the keys of death and Hades, signifying His authority over life and death, and His power to grant eternal life to those who believe in Him.

Jesus commissions John to write down what he has seen, including the present state of the churches and the future events that will unfold. He provides a symbolic interpretation of the seven stars and the seven golden lampstands, revealing that the stars represent the angels or messengers of the seven churches, and the lampstands represent the churches themselves. This symbolism signifies Jesus' intimate knowledge and care for His church, as well as His desire for them to shine brightly as bearers of His light and truth in the world.

I had to ask myself, "In what ways can the messages to the seven churches in the book of Revelation be relevant to today's culture in light of the anticipation of the end times?"

The seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelation (Revelation 2-3) were literal congregations in Asia Minor during the time the book was written. However, many scholars also view these churches symbolically, representing different spiritual conditions that can be found throughout the history of the Church and even in contemporary times. While it is important to approach interpretations of the end times with caution and humility, we can consider some potential connections between the messages to the seven churches and today's cultural context:

  1. Ephesus: The church in Ephesus was commended for its diligence and perseverance but was warned about losing its first love. In today's culture, there may be a tendency for believers to become complacent or distracted by worldly pursuits, leading to a neglect of their love and devotion to God.

  2. Smyrna: The church in Smyrna faced persecution and suffering. Today, believers in various parts of the world still experience persecution for their faith. The message to Smyrna reminds us to remain steadfast in the face of opposition and to find strength and hope in Christ.

  3. Pergamum: Pergamum was a church that struggled with compromising its faith and embracing false teachings. In today's culture, there may be pressures to conform to worldly ideologies or dilute the truth of the Gospel. The message to Pergamum calls for discernment and a commitment to upholding biblical principles.

  4. Thyatira: The church in Thyatira tolerated false prophets and immoral practices. In today's culture, there may be a danger of compromising biblical morality and ethics. The message to Thyatira challenges believers to uphold biblical standards of righteousness and resist the influence of immorality.

  5. Sardis: The church in Sardis had a reputation for being alive but was spiritually dead. Today, there may be churches or individuals who have a form of religious activity but lack genuine spiritual vitality. The message to Sardis encourages believers to wake up, repent, and pursue a vibrant relationship with God.

  6. Philadelphia: The church in Philadelphia was commended for its faithfulness and perseverance. Today, there are faithful believers who continue to serve and proclaim the Gospel despite challenges and opposition. The message to Philadelphia offers encouragement to remain faithful and promises open doors of opportunity.

  7. Laodicea: The church in Laodicea was lukewarm and self-sufficient. In today's culture, there may be a tendency for believers to be spiritually indifferent or complacent. The message to Laodicea calls for repentance, a renewed passion for God, and a reliance on His grace.

While drawing parallels between the seven churches and today's culture can provide insights and lessons, it is crucial to remember that the specific application to the end times requires careful interpretation. The messages to the churches in Revelation primarily address their immediate historical and spiritual contexts. When considering the end times, it is important to approach such interpretations with humility and a commitment to the overarching principles of faithfulness, perseverance, and readiness for Christ's return, which are relevant for believers in all cultural contexts.

The vision of the seven golden lampstands and the figure of Jesus among them in Revelation 1:12-20 carries profound significance. The symbolism of the lampstands reveals the role of the Church as bearers of God's light and truth, representing unity, accountability, and spiritual nourishment. The golden sash worn by Jesus signifies His kingship, priesthood, and divine authority. The white hair and blazing eyes of Jesus symbolize His wisdom, purity, and all-knowing judgment. His feet like bronze represent strength, stability, and divine judgment, while His voice like rushing waters denotes power, authority, and transformative ability. Through this awe-inspiring vision, we are reminded of the vital role of the Church in reflecting God's light, the exalted position of Jesus as the King and High Priest, and the eternal nature of His righteousness and judgment. May we embrace our calling to be shining lights in the world, embodying His truth and love.

The topic of revelation and interpretation is a profound and complex one that requires guidance from the Holy Spirit. In the realm of spirituality and faith, individuals often seek divine revelation and understanding through various means such as prayer, scripture, meditation, and personal experiences. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that the interpretation of these revelations can vary greatly among individuals.

The Bible itself contains numerous accounts of divine revelations granted to prophets, apostles, and ordinary believers. These revelations often came in the form of visions, dreams, or direct messages from God. While these experiences can provide invaluable insights and guidance, they also require careful interpretation. Interpretation of revelations is not a straightforward process. It involves discerning the true meaning and application of the message received. This is where the role of the Holy Spirit becomes vital. The Holy Spirit is the divine guide who leads believers into all truth and provides wisdom and understanding.

The wide road of revelation and interpretation can be challenging to navigate without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is essential to approach revelations with humility, seeking wisdom and discernment. Additionally, consulting with trusted spiritual leaders and fellow believers can provide valuable perspectives and insights.

Now, I invite you to share your opinions and experiences regarding revelations and their interpretation. What insights have you gained through divine revelations, and how do you approach their interpretation? Please feel free to add your comments and contribute to the discussion.

Amanda Allen

Write & Blogger

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