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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Navigating the Waiting Season: Perseverance, Divine Timing, and Celebrating the Journey

Updated: May 3, 2023

Galatians 6:9 says "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." It reminds us to persist in doing good, for we will eventually reap the rewards if we don't give up. Our season of reaping is on the horizon, but it requires spiritual fortitude and perseverance.

Even though we know our due season is coming, we must remain steadfast in our efforts, or we risk missing out on the blessings that await us. This verse urges us to cultivate endurance, strength, and

commitment, and to trust in divine timing.

The passage in Ecclesiastes 3 teaches us that there is a season and time for every purpose under heaven. Whether it is a time to be born, a time to die, a time to plant, or a time to uproot, every activity has its appointed time. Unfortunately, many people abandon their destinies during the period of "waiting" between receiving a prophecy and seeing it come to fruition.

The passing of time can stir up turmoil that goes against God's will and shake our beliefs. Our convictions are put to the test. Merely having a vision or a dream does not guarantee its fulfillment. Proverbs 13:12 says that when hope is deferred, it can make the heart sick, but when desire is fulfilled, it is like a tree of life.

There are two dimensions to "waiting":

  • The first is the demonic strategy that aims to "delay" and "limit" us from fulfilling our destiny. The devil can twist the Word, take it out of context, and convince us to give up. This can lead to delays. It's important to remember that even the Apostle Paul was hindered by Satan. During our "waiting" season, we may be prevented, obstructed, thwarted, stopped up, or blocked, but we must continue to persevere.

  • The second approach is divine direction. According to Lamentations 3:25, the Lord is good to those who WAIT for Him and to the soul that seeks Him. Though "waiting" may be arduous, it is a vital aspect of the Kingdom of God. "Waiting" can either be a Process that leads you to your destiny or a Delay that hinders and destroys it.

It's important to discern whether the waiting is a time to align with God's will and receive grace, or to take authority over the kingdom of darkness that seeks to hinder your progress.

An illustrative instance is when Moses prophesied to take the people out of slavery and into a land of abundance. However, the people reached a point where they could no longer endure and instead looked back at their struggles in the wilderness and complain. They failed to grasp the season and their patience was tested. And they failed.

"Waiting" in the Kingdom of God does not imply a lack of progress or advancement. There is a lot of work going on behind the scenes during the "waiting process". "Waiting" is not a setback, but a preparation process. Do not deprive yourself of joy while waiting.

Many believers lose their joy due to unfulfilled expectations, becoming angry and offended with God. However, "waiting" should not result in the absence of joy. The joy of the Lord is our strength, and it comes from the Holy Spirit. "Waiting" in the Kingdom of God means recognizing His divine timing and submitting to His process, which operates within seasons and times. Therefore, we must not let "waiting" rob us of our joy, as it is an essential component of our spiritual strength.

Impatience can be a deadly and dangerous attitude.

It can cause us to get ahead of God and create situations that are not aligned with His plan.

The story of Ishmael is an example of impatience leading to unintended consequences. We must be careful not to try to help God in a process that is exclusively within His power to bring to pass.

Impatience can also lead us to hear things that God

did not say and to create paths that are not of God.

Let us trust in His timing and submit to His will. It's crucial to stay focused on God's plan and not consider any "alternatives". "Options" may seem spiritual but can be devilish and not aligned with God's blueprint for your life.

Impatience can deceive you into thinking something is

from God when it's not. If God did not send it, you won't see His hand in it.

The advancement of technology and the jet age has created many young millionaires, causing a widespread desire to get a share of the wealth. However, it is crucial to differentiate between "delay" and "process" in the spiritual realm. Control your desires and align them with the seasons of the spirit.

During your waiting period, it's crucial to recognize the divine season and time you're in. Take the time to meditate on God's faithfulness and express your gratitude through praise, using this powerful weapon to act as if your future has already come to pass. Learn to speak the language of royalty and prepare yourself for what lies ahead.

Remember that the cost of your future is your preparation,

and the training you receive during your waiting period

is what qualifies you for what's ahead.

It's easy to fall into the trap of criticism, but choosing to celebrate while you "wait" rather than criticize can have a significant impact on your life and the lives of those around you. Celebrating means acknowledging and appreciating the good in ourselves and others, focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses and offering encouragement and support. Criticism, on the other hand, tears down and demotivates. Celebrating not only feels better, but it also inspires growth and progress. So let's make a conscious effort to celebrate, not criticize, and watch as our lives and relationships flourish as we learn to wait.

Amanda Allen

Write & Blogger

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