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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Mocking God: A Dangerous Path! Historical Warnings Against Mocking God & His People.

"Surely he scorneth the scorners: but he giveth grace unto the lowly" (Proverbs 3:34)

The verse, "Surely he scorneth the scorners: but he giveth grace unto the lowly" (Proverbs 3:34), reveals two distinct ways that God deals with different types of people. The scorner receives from God the same attitude they extend toward others—mockery, contempt, and ridicule. This is a spiritual law of reaping what is sown, but it is also a warning of how dangerous it is to scorn God and His ways. In contrast, God gives grace to the lowly, who are the opposite of the scorners.

A "lowly" person is someone who is humble, meek, and unassuming. In biblical terms, the lowly are those who recognize their need for God, accept His guidance, and submit to His authority. They are teachable, open to correction, and not filled with pride or arrogance. Instead of elevating themselves, they trust in God's wisdom and grace, knowing that all they have comes from Him.

In contrast to the scorner, the lowly person understands their limitations and weaknesses, which opens the door for God's grace to work in their lives.💗 God honors the lowly because their humility allows them to receive His truth and blessings.

Scorners will receive from God the very attitude they extend toward others. As they mock, ridicule, and show contempt, God in return “scorns” them. But this isn’t just a simple repayment in kind—it’s a sobering act of divine justice. God will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7), and those who persist in mocking Him or His ways will face consequences that align with their rebellious spirit.

When a person mocks God or His Word, they invite a response from God that mirrors their attitude. 

However, this isn’t a game where they can win. God is not someone to be trifled with, and He will always have the final word. His power is unmatched, and no one can stand against Him.

Here are three examples of people who mocked or scorned God, showing the serious consequences of such actions:

Pharaoh mocked God when Moses and Aaron demanded the release of the Israelites, saying, "Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice?" (Exodus 5:2). He scorned God's authority, refused to heed His warnings, and hardened his heart repeatedly. As a result, Pharaoh faced the devastating plagues and, eventually, the destruction of his army in the Red Sea. (Exodus 5–14)

Goliath, the giant Philistine warrior, scorned God by mocking the Israelite army and God Himself. He arrogantly challenged them and dismissed David as insignificant. But David, empowered by God, defeated Goliath with a single stone. Goliath’s scorn led to his humiliation and death, as God showed that even the mightiest cannot stand against Him. (1 Samuel 17)

Herod Agrippa accepted the praise of people who called him a god, instead of giving glory to the true God. His arrogance and mockery of God's sovereignty led to a swift judgment. The Bible says that Herod was struck down by an angel of the Lord and died, eaten by worms. His scorn toward God’s majesty resulted in immediate and graphic punishment. (Acts 12:21-23)

These examples serve as a stark warning: to mock or scorn God is to invite His judgment. When people mock God’s truth, disregard His commands, or ridicule His people, they are ultimately placing themselves in opposition to the Almighty.

The scorner believes they can evade consequences, 
but God's response is certain and unavoidable. He will not allow His name to be dishonored without justice being served.

As Proverbs 19:29 states, "Judgments are prepared for scorners, and stripes for the back of fools." God will turn back on the scorner the very contempt they have shown toward others. But this is not a battle that any human can win, for God’s justice is perfect, swift, and final.

There are several well-known stories in history where individuals or groups seemed to mock or challenge God, and these stories have become cautionary tales for many.

The Titanic

When the RMS Titanic was being constructed, it was famously referred to as "unsinkable" due to its advanced engineering. According to some reports, there was even a statement attributed to one of the ship's officials or crew, who allegedly said, "Not even God Himself could sink this ship." Though the accuracy of this specific quote is debated, the Titanic's tragic fate has been interpreted by many as a form of divine irony. On its maiden voyage in 1912, the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank, resulting in the loss of over 1,500 lives. This event is often cited as a powerful reminder of human arrogance and the dangers of overconfidence.

John Lennon and The Beatles

In the 1960s, John Lennon of The Beatles made a controversial statement during an interview, saying, "Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that; I'm right, and I will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now." This statement caused outrage, particularly among Christian communities, leading to protests, record burnings, and widespread criticism.

Lennon later apologized, claiming he never meant to disparage Christ or Christianity, but the statement had already left a lasting mark. Some interpret this as a warning against the dangers of pride and the tendency to elevate human fame or success above God.


Voltaire, the famous 18th-century French philosopher and writer, was a well-known critic of Christianity and religion in general. He is often quoted as having said that Christianity would be obsolete within 100 years of his time. Ironically, Voltaire’s home was later used as a distribution point for Bibles by the Geneva Bible Society, just after his death.

Voltaire’s sharp wit and frequent mockery of the Church and religion earned him admiration in some circles and criticism in others. The fact that his very home was used to promote the Bible is viewed by many as a poetic reversal of his predictions and a testament to how God's Word endures despite opposition.

"Surely he scorneth the scorners: but he giveth grace unto the lowly" (Proverbs 3:34)

These stories, though varied in detail and accuracy, often serve as reminders of how human pride, arrogance, and mockery of God can backfire. When individuals or societies place their confidence in human achievements, fame, or intellectual superiority, they risk disregarding the divine order. The message is clear: no one can contend with God and emerge victorious.

Thankfully, God has made a way for people to avoid the fate of the scorner. Through humility and repentance, anyone can receive grace.

Jesus Christ, through His sacrifice on the cross, has provided a path for reconciliation with God. Instead of facing the judgment reserved for scorners, we can turn to Christ in humility, confessing our sins, and accepting His gift of salvation.

This is why God gives grace to the lowly. The lowly, recognizing their need for a Savior, humbly submit to God's authority. In doing so, they receive the grace that scorners never seek because they are too proud to admit their need.

James 4:6 says, "God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." The lowly receive God's unmerited favor because they are willing to acknowledge their dependence on Him. Through Christ, we have the ultimate way to escape judgment and receive life.

These stories—whether they be of sinking ships, fallen celebrities, or outspoken philosophers—serve as warnings that no human achievement, fame, or intellect can outmatch the power of God. But they also point us to God’s mercy, reminding us that there is always a way to come back to Him and receive grace instead of judgment.


Heavenly Father, I come before You in the name of Jesus. As I sit here reflecting on my own life, I ask for forgiveness if I have ever scorned You knowingly or unknowingly, whether through ignorance or a hardened heart. Forgive me for any moment where I may have ridiculed Your ways, or mocked those who bear Your name and carry Your Spirit. I never want to live or speak in a way that would make You my adversary.

I lift up my reader to You, Father, and ask that You reveal any hidden sins that may be dwelling in our hearts. Teach us to have clean hearts, so we may walk in Your favor. If we are blind to our actions, thinking we are faultless while in reality we offend, may the Holy Spirit swiftly correct us, that we might repent and realign with Your grace. Thank You for revealing Your heart toward scorners and mockers through Your Word.

For those of us who face mockery or ridicule for our faith, remind us that persecution comes in many forms, and it is a sign that we are standing firm against the kingdom of darkness. And if we find ourselves never mocked or ridiculed for our faith, may that serve as a reminder that we might be living too cautiously—help us to boldly confess Christ, no longer hiding in fear.

Thank You for Your favor upon our lives, Lord. We cannot live without Your grace, and we desire it deeply. Let all glory be Yours for the transformations in our hearts and the lives drawn closer to You because of Your grace at work in us. In Jesus' name, Amen.

© 2024 Amanda Allen. All rights reserved.

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