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Mistaken Identity: The Day Zeus and Hermes Healed a Blind Man... Say Whattttt?

Updated: 40 minutes ago

Zeus and Hermes mistaken identity which was really Paul and Barnabas as miraclous healers.  Book of Acts.

What Do Zeus and Hermes Have to Do with the Disciples?

The story in Acts 14:8-18 is one of those biblical moments that leaves you both astonished and amused. Imagine: Paul and Barnabas, humble servants of Jesus Christ, performing a miraculous healing only to be mistaken for Greek gods! The absurdity of the situation highlights both the power of God working through His people and the spiritual confusion of the crowd.

Let’s take a closer look at this account, why the people of Lystra reacted the way they did, and what lessons we can draw from their misunderstanding.

The Miracle That Started It All

Paul and Barnabas arrive in Lystra, a city steeped in Greek mythology, and encounter a man who had been lame from birth. Seeing that the man had faith to be healed, Paul commands him to stand up. Instantly, the man jumps to his feet and begins walking. This miracle is stunning not only for its supernatural power but also for what it reveals about faith.

Faith plays a pivotal role in healing. Paul doesn’t heal the man randomly; instead, he recognizes that the man has faith—he believes that God can heal him. This moment reflects Jesus’ words in Mark 9:23:

Everything is possible for one who believes.”

The man’s response is immediate and unreserved. He doesn’t hesitate or cautiously test his newfound strength. Instead, he leaps up and walks, as though he’s been ready and waiting for this moment his entire life.

Mistaken Identity: Zeus and Hermes

The reaction of the crowd is where the story takes a wild turn. Instead of recognizing the power of the one true God, the people of Lystra assume their familiar legendry god-like figures are at work. They declare Barnabas to be Zeus and Paul to be Hermes because Paul is the chief speaker. Why this bizarre conclusion?

The Lystrans, deeply rooted in Greek mythology, held a worldview that left no space for a single, sovereign God. According to local legend, Zeus and Hermes had once visited the area in disguise as mortals, only to be met with rejection by the townspeople, who failed to offer hospitality. However, one elderly couple extended kindness, and as a result, the gods spared them while destroying the rest of the town. This story likely shaped the Lystrans' beliefs, and when they witnessed the miraculous events unfolding before them, they may have felt history was repeating itself.

The Lystrans, deeply rooted in Greek mythology, held a worldview that left no space for a single, sovereign God. According to local legend, Zeus and Hermes had once visited the area in disguise as mortals, only to be met with rejection by the townspeople, who failed to offer hospitality. However, one elderly couple extended kindness, and as a result, the gods spared them while destroying the rest of the town. This story likely shaped the Lystrans' beliefs, and when they witnessed the miraculous events unfolding before them, they may have felt history was repeating itself.

Throughout history, people have struggled to interpret the works of God through the lens of their limited understanding. Rather than seek the truth, they fit divine acts into their preconceived frameworks.

Paul and Barnabas: The Apostles’ Reaction

When Paul and Barnabas realize what’s happening, they are horrified. They tear their robes—a traditional expression of grief and outrage—and rush to correct the crowd.

“Men, why are you doing these things? We are also men, of like nature with you, and we bring you good news, that you should turn from these vain things to a living God…” (Acts 14:15, ESV)

Here’s where Paul delivers a profound truth: the gods of Greek mythology are vain things. They are powerless, fictional constructs of human imagination. In contrast, the living God is the Creator of all things. Paul doesn’t miss the opportunity to preach the gospel, even in the midst of chaos.

Miracles are not a stage for human greatness but a platform for divine revelation.

I love how Paul, in his disgust, quickly corrects the people and redirects their focus, pointing all glory to God. It’s a powerful example of how we are to handle praise that’s due to God alone. The story of Ananias and Sapphira serves as a great reminder of the deadly and immediate consequences of taking credit for something they didn't do. Their story underscores the importance of honoring God for His work and not elevating ourselves in His place. It’s a warning that there’s a danger in seeking glory that doesn’t belong to us, and it highlights the serious repercussions of attempting to rob God of His rightful praise.

How do we respond to miracles? The healing of the lame man in Acts was meant to glorify God, but the crowd’s response reveals how easily we can misinterpret divine acts. Do we acknowledge God's hand in the miraculous, or do we rationalize it away as coincidence, science, or happenstance? In doing so, we risk missing out on the opportunity to honor God for His power and presence.

Paul and Barnabas weren’t flattered by being mistaken for gods—they were horrified. Why? Because they knew that glory belongs to God alone.

This story serves as a powerful reminder that when God's power is displayed through His people, it should always point back to Him. It challenges us to reflect on how we perceive and respond to the divine in our own lives. Are we willing to tear our robes—metaphorically speaking—when people misunderstand the source of our strength, or do we bask in the mistaken glory? Like Paul and Barnabas, let us direct all praise to the living God, who alone is worthy.


Amanda Allen, the author of Kingdom Revelations, holds the copyright to her works and art. Copyright © Amanda Allen, Kingdom Revelations, 2024. All rights reserved. This article may be shared with acknowledgment of the author and the original source. writer of deep truths, Amanda Allen- expanding upon the biblical truths


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