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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Writer's pictureBeTheFire

Is Your Laundry Pile Bigger Than Your Faith? Finding Purpose in Even the Most Ordinary & Boring Tasks.

Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

Colossians 3:17 says, “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Some scriptures are so straightforward and easy to understand that we may breeze right past them, missing the deeper application because their simplicity doesn’t immediately capture our attention. This verse is one of those.

"Whatever you do" covers everything in our daily lives—the mundane tasks like washing dishes, fixing the car, mopping floors, doing laundry, yard work, and even driving. All these activities, however ordinary, should be done with the intention of honoring Jesus. But what does it mean to do something in the name of Jesus?

In the mundane times of our daily lives, God has divine purposes. Even the most ordinary tasks, when performed with intention, become acts of worship, transforming the mundane into the sacred.

Let’s break it down with a simple analogy. Suppose you work for a company called “Rotation Tires.” When you’re on the job, everything you do reflects that company’s name. If you perform your duties well, the company's reputation grows, and its name is associated with quality and professionalism. But if your work is careless, full of mistakes, or lacks effort, the company’s name is tarnished. It’s the same in any profession—whether you're a hairdresser, an office worker, or a stay-at-home parent. The work you do reflects on the name you represent.

In the same way, as followers of Christ, we carry His name wherever we go and in whatever we do. Whether at our jobs, in our homes, or out in the world, our actions reflect on Jesus. Colossians 3:17 reminds us to live with intentionality, aware that every word we speak and every task we perform reflects the name we bear as children of God.

We are walking billboards of the gospel. Our lives are a constant advertisement for the kingdom of God. Every action, word, and thought is a reflection of His image, a testimony to His grace.

To do something "in the name of the Lord Jesus" means to act as His representative, with His character, purpose, and presence in mind. If we mop the floor, we do it with care, because even in that small task, we are reflecting His excellence. If we speak, our words should carry grace, because we are representing His love and truth. It means to live as a living testimony of who Jesus is, so that in our daily lives, His name is glorified through us.

Like a skilled artisan shaping clay, we have the power to mold our lives into beautiful expressions of God's glory. By living with intentionality, we transform our ordinary days into extraordinary works of art.

And in all of this, we are called to give thanks. Whether our task is big or small, tedious or exciting, the act of giving thanks connects us to God, acknowledging that everything we do is ultimately for His glory and under His provision. By living with an attitude of gratitude, we shift our focus from the burden of the task to the blessing of serving Him through it.

Our gratitude is the spiritual lubricant that smooths the rough edges of life. It transforms burdens into blessings, trials into triumphs, and hardships into opportunities for growth.

When you're stuck in the mundane mindset, weary from the repetition of everyday tasks—picking up socks, washing floors, tending to jobs—remember this: the grandest symphony is composed of countless tiny notes, and the most beautiful painting is made up of countless tiny strokes. In the same way, the glory of God is revealed in the smallest acts of service and the most ordinary expressions of love. Every tiny task is an opportunity to honor Christ, and every moment is a chance to reflect His goodness. So, approach your work, your conversations, and your daily responsibilities with intention, knowing that as you do, you're part of something much greater. And as you serve in these small ways, give thanks to God, for it is through these simple, everyday acts that His glory shines the brightest.

Heavenly Father,

I thank You for the beauty and simplicity of Your Word, and for ensuring we don’t quickly overlook its significance. I lift this reader up to You, asking that You reveal to us, moment by moment, how we can live and speak with greater intention, knowing we carry Your name everywhere we go. Place a spiritual bit in our mouths to guide our words, and wrap Your truth around our hearts so that, in every place, we are more focused on Your presence than the tasks before us.

When we grow weary in doing good, remind us of Your love, provision, and the unique role each of us has in fulfilling the work You’ve set before us. Show us that even the smallest ripple has the potential to create the grandest wave.

Thank You for all we do this day. Thank You for the ability to brush our teeth, for the home we live in, and for laundry and floors to clean. Thank You even for the trash we take out, which reflects the blessing of resources that allow us to live and create. And thank You for the rain that may fall on us, for it nourishes the earth and provides for our needs.

Remind us to be thankful even when we sit in traffic, knowing that we are still here, walking this earth, with breath in our lungs and life within us. Prick our hearts, Lord, to be ever aware that we carry Your name, Jesus, for all to see. May every word we speak and every action we take bring You glory, so that in all we do and say, You are honored and lifted high.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

© 2024 Amanda Allen. All rights reserved.

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