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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Writer's pictureBeTheFire

Is There a Message in Your Pain Waiting to Be Shared? Is Your Pain the Key to Empowering Others?

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (KJV) of the Bible reads:

"Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God."

In the first part of these verses, we are introduced to the character of God—He is revealed as the "Father of mercies" and "the God of all comfort." This unveiling emphasizes that God is not just a distant deity, but a compassionate and benevolent Father who abounds in mercy and is the ultimate source of all comfort. This revelation leads us to ponder several significant aspects:

The Father of Mercies:

When God becomes your Father (through Jesus), you are not merely a child of God; you become intricately tied to the divine legacy of mercy. This is because God, the Father of Mercies, extends His boundless compassion to those who belong to Him, and in this divine connection, you inherit the title of a "child of mercy." just like you became a "child of God".

A tree of love and hope growing and being shared.

In this profound connection, you are given a sacred duty—to be a vessel of mercy. Just as a seed sown in fertile soil grows into a bountiful tree, you are a seed sown by the Father of Mercy into the world. Your acts of mercy, both towards others and yourself, serve as vital instruments in ushering people into the kingdom of God.

Your merciful actions become a bridge, a path, and an invitation for others to experience salvation and receive all Jesus did. It mirrors the redemptive exchange of the cross, where the weight of our shortcomings was replaced with the boundless mercy of God. And in fulfilling this calling, you contribute to the glory of God's kingdom, reflecting His character and love to the world.

"Our divine calling: to mirror the redemptive exchanges of the cross through our acts of mercy and fruits of the Spirit."

The God of All Comfort:

The title "The God of All Comfort" emphasizes the abundance and completeness of the comfort we receive from our heavenly Father. It's a powerful reminder of the unreserved and boundless nature of God's comforting presence in our lives. Here are two additional scriptures that reinforce this concept:

Psalm 34:18 (NIV): "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." This verse underscores God's nearness and His role as a source of comfort, especially in times of emotional distress and brokenness.

Isaiah 66:13 (NIV): "As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem." This scripture beautifully portrays God's comforting nature, comparing it to the tender care a mother provides to her child.

A mother comforting her child.

Together with 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, these verses highlight the multifaceted ways in which God offers His comfort to those in need, be it through emotional healing, spiritual solace, or a motherly embrace, reinforcing the idea that He is indeed the "God of All Comfort."

Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.
This underscores the notion that our capacity to extend blessings and support to others hinges on what we have genuinely encountered in our personal lives, and in our relationship with God.

If there are facets of God's character, like His role as a provider, healer, or comforter, that remain uncharted territory in our spiritual journey, then we find ourselves drawing from an inner well that has yet to be filled.

This concept underscores the significance of cultivating a deep, balanced, and personal connection with God. It's a journey of learning that extends beyond healing to encompass the act of giving. It's not solely focused on finances, but also the power of fasting. It's about understanding redemption while practicing abstinence. The key is to remain dynamic and avoid getting stuck in one spot. Embrace the full spectrum of spiritual growth and discovery in God's Word.

As we intimately experience His provisions, His promises, His healing, and His comfort in our own lives, we become more authentic channels for imparting these blessings to others. It's as though our encounters with His grace enrich our understanding and empathy for those who are in need.

"Our influence is most potent where we've walked and triumphed."

In my own journey, I've come to realize that my influence is most potent where I've already trodden and triumphed. When I've walked a path and emerged victorious, it's almost a given that others on a similar journey will cross my way. However, this doesn't mean that I can only offer guidance from my own experiences.

Many people coming together in Unity across the globe.

"Unity is the strength found in standing together, no matter the unique paths we've walked."

Certainly, I can speak into the life of someone facing challenges I've never personally encountered. Whether it's offering support to a widow, despite not having walked in her shoes, or extending a helping hand to someone in a different situation, I can be a friend, a listener, and a source of strength when they face moments of vulnerability.

In such instances, part of that assistance would include connecting them with individuals who've traveled a similar road and possess a deeper understanding. It's about creating a network of support, where those who've faced unique circumstances can share their wisdom and insights, helping others find their way through life's challenges. It's a testament to the power of community and the strength we find when we stand together, no matter the path we've individually walked.

"Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God." According to scripture, this readiness often comes through the tribulations we face. These challenges, rather than being detrimental, are essential for our growth and impact.

Without tribulations in our lives, we risk becoming weak, compartmentalized, and lacking in creativity, fortitude, and courage. We may find ourselves unable to influence those around us and impact the kingdom of darkness positively. Tribulations are the crucible in which our character is refined, our empathy deepened, and our capacity to receive and give comfort from God is expanded. In these moments of trial, we find the strength to emerge as vessels of God's love, offering solace and hope to others.

Pause for a moment and reflect on the tribulations you've faced throughout your life. By doing so, you gain the ability to peer into your present and your future, anticipating the individuals you will have the opportunity to assist. Your past tribulations transform into a fertile field, ready for planting, cultivation, and harvest.

💓The scars of yesterday become the sources of strength for those in our path. The pain we endure today can be the healing balm for others tomorrow.💓

If you struggle with knowing your purpose, look at your past tribulations.

They are, in part, the bridge to your purpose in helping others.

Amanda Allen


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