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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Writer's pictureBeTheFire

Interceding for Evil/Darkness: Reflecting God's Promises

During moments when the world appears to be saturated with evil, and our hearts are burdened with anxiety, it's only human to yearn for peace and comfort and the assurance of a brighter future on the horizon. While life provides no certainties, we can find hope in the scriptures, which guide us toward a redeemer destined to usher in justice and tranquility in due time.

Let's dive into three verses from the King James Version of the Bible. It's crucial to keep these scriptures in our hearts as a regular practice.

1. Psalm 34:21 - "Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate."

This verse serves as a reminder that evil carries within itself the seeds of its own undoing. Those who choose the path of wickedness will inevitably face the repercussions of their actions, and their harm will not go unaddressed. It encourages us to maintain trust in the eventual triumph of justice.

2. Psalm 37:38 - "But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut off."

This verse strongly emphasizes that those who opt for the path of wrongdoing will ultimately face the consequences. Even when it may appear that they are thriving, their ultimate destiny is to be severed from their course. It inspires us to maintain faith that evil in the world will not endure indefinitely; there is indeed an end, a final day. You may refer to it by different names, but God assures us that there is a conclusive moment where evil is silenced, once and for all.

3. Psalm 94:23 - "And he shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; yea, the LORD our God shall cut them off."

This verse emphasizes that God will take action against evildoers. Their own actions will bring about their downfall. It's a reminder that we are not alone in our concerns about evil; the Lord is our protector and will ultimately bring about justice.

What influence can you exert in the spiritual battle for the salvation of every soul in the world?

To begin, it's crucial to recognize that God takes no joy in the demise of the sinful. As stated in Ezekiel 33:11: "Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?"

These words remind us that God's desire is not to see the wicked perish, but rather that they repent and find life in righteousness. It calls upon us to encourage and support the transformation of those who have strayed from the right path, so they may turn away from wickedness and embrace a life of goodness and salvation.

What should be the focus of our prayers?

You and I have the power to pray, even for those whom we perceive as "evil." While praying for such individuals can be a daunting yet compassionate endeavor, here are essential points to keep in mind when offering these prayers:

  1. Transformation of Hearts: Pray for a transformation in their hearts and minds. Ask for a change of perspective, understanding, and empathy that may lead them away from harmful actions.

  2. Redemption and Repentance: Pray that they may come to recognize their wrongdoing and seek forgiveness. Pray for their repentance and a turning away from their harmful behavior.

  3. Healing and Deliverance: Consider the possibility that the person may have been deeply wounded or affected by past experiences. Pray for their healing and deliverance from any negative influences that may have contributed to their actions.

  4. Divine Guidance: Ask for God's guidance to lead them onto a better path. Pray that they may be open to spiritual guidance, wisdom, and discernment.

  5. Protection for Others: While praying for the individual's transformation, also pray for the protection of potential victims or those who may be affected by their actions.

  6. Peace and Reconciliation: Pray for peace and reconciliation, both for the individual and for any relationships or communities that may have been harmed by their actions.

  7. Restoration: Pray for their eventual restoration to a life of righteousness and goodness.

  8. Your Own Heart: Ask for strength and compassion in your own heart as you pray for someone you may find it difficult to forgive or empathize with.

  9. Seek Divine Justice: Trust in God's ultimate justice. Pray that if the individual continues on a harmful path, they will face consequences that lead them to reconsider their actions.

  10. Forgiveness: Consider praying for the ability to forgive the individual, even if it takes time. Forgiveness can be a powerful step in your own healing and spiritual growth.

Remember that praying for "evil" individuals is an act of compassion and hope. It's an acknowledgment of the potential for transformation and redemption in every person, no matter how lost they may seem.


Lord, we earnestly pray for a profound transformation in the hearts and minds of (_____) who we lift up in prayer, asking for a change of perspective and understanding that leads them away from harmful actions. We humbly ask that these individuals come to recognize their wrongdoing, seek Your forgiveness, and find the strength to turn away from their harmful behavior. We ask that You heal their wounds and deliver them from negative influences that may have contributed to their actions, bringing restoration to their hearts and lives. Lord, guide them onto a better path, granting them the wisdom, discernment, and openness to Your spiritual guidance, leading them towards righteousness. We pray for the protection of potential victims and those affected by their actions, asking for Your divine shield to safeguard the innocent. May Your peace and reconciliation extend not only to the individuals but also to any relationships or communities that may have been harmed by their actions. Lead them on a journey of restoration to a life characterized by righteousness, strength, and goodness, guiding them back to Your loving embrace. Lord, grant us the strength and compassion in our own hearts as we pray for those we find it difficult to forgive or empathize with, and help us embody Your boundless love and grace. We trust in Your ultimate justice, O God, and pray that if these individuals persist in their harmful ways, they will face consequences that lead them to reconsider their actions.

While we offer our prayers for others, we must not overlook our responsibility to examine our own lives and initiate essential transformations. The scripture found in 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 underscores this vital lesson, making it clear that God's promise is contingent upon our actions. Here's the scripture, presenting both the condition and promise:

2 Chronicles 7:13-14 (KJV): "When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, pray, seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land."

Condition for Man:

  • Humble themselves

  • Pray

  • Seek God's face

  • Turn from their wicked ways

Promise from God:

  • God will hear from heaven

  • God will forgive their sin

  • God will heal their land

This scripture serves as a poignant reminder that our response to God's conditions holds significant weight in our journey toward receiving His forgiveness and healing. It highlights the vital role of personal repentance, prayer, and seeking God's guidance, not only for our individual well-being but also for the well-being of our communities as a whole.

Amanda Allen

Write & Blogger


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