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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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In a World of Hurry: Embracing Stillness to Know God more Intimately-But How?

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

Woman in a peaceful state reflecting on God.

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding moments of quietude and contemplation can be a rare treasure. Yet, there is a timeless verse, a whisper from the ancient pages of Scripture, that beckons us to do just that - to be still and know that He is God.

Psalm 46:10, a mere ten words, carries profound wisdom and an invitation to experience the divine presence in the tranquility of stillness. But what does it truly mean to "know" God in this context, and how can we practice this knowledge in the midst of our fast-paced lives? 

In this exploration, we dive into the essence of this verse, dissecting its individual components - "be," "still," "know," "I AM" and "God." Through scriptural insights and a reflection on its original language, we aim to turn this verse into a powerful guide, showing us not only how to be still but also how to deeply "know" God. In a world of noise and distraction, it's an opportunity to pause, reflect, and unlock the profound depths of one of the Bible's most cherished verses.

"Be" - This word is an imperative verb that calls for an action or state of being. In this context, it's a command to take a specific action.

"Still" - To "be still" means to be calm, quiet, and undisturbed, both physically and mentally. It implies a state of peaceful rest.

"Know" - To "know" in this context means to have deep, intimate, and experiential knowledge. It goes beyond mere intellectual understanding and involves a personal, close relationship.

"I" - Refers to God, the subject of the statement.

"Am" - A form of the verb "to be," indicating existence and identity. In this case, it asserts God's presence and identity.

"God" - The divine, all-powerful, and all-knowing Creator of the universe.

"I AM" defined in scripture:

The phrase "I AM" is a significant and profound self-identification used by God in the Bible. In the Old Testament, God reveals Himself to Moses through the burning bush in Exodus 3:14 (NIV).

In this verse, God says to Moses: "I AM WHO I AM."

Moses and the burning bush.

This powerful statement signifies the eternal, self-existent nature of God. He is the one who has always existed and will always exist, without a beginning or end. The name "I AM" is a declaration of His sovereignty, self-sufficiency, and unchanging nature.

God's self-identification as "I AM" carries deep meaning. It signifies His timeless existence and eternal nature. "I AM" is a declaration of self-sufficiency, immutability, and transcendence, emphasizing that God is self-existent and does not rely on anyone or anything for His being.

The significance of "I AM" extends beyond Exodus 3:14. In the New Testament, Jesus also uses this divine title to affirm His divinity. In the Gospel of John, Jesus declares His divine identity using "I AM" statements, such as "I am the bread of life" (John 6:35) and "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12). These statements reflect His role as the source of spiritual sustenance and guidance for humanity.

Let's look at the scripture in its original language, translated into English:

The original Hebrew text of Psalm 46:10 is: "רפו ודעו כי אנכי אל־תרום אל גוים אנכי ארום בארץ."


Breaking it down:

  • "רפו" (raphu) means "Be still" or "Let go."

  • "וּדְעוּ" (u'de'u) means "and know."

  • "כִּי" (ki) means "that."

  • "אָנֹכִי" (anokhi) means "I am."

  • "אֵל" (El) means "God."

It's truly fascinating how the original Hebrew language offers us a profound insight. The phrase "be still," when translated, can also mean "Let go."

A picture of letting go of what burdens us down.

So, when we interchange these two concepts, we arrive at a powerful message: "LET GO and know that I am GOD." 

This transformation prompts us to reflect on the burdens we often carry in our minds when we attempt to "BE STILL." It's as if God is urging us to release these mental weights. Let go of the persistent thoughts that clutter our minds, let go of our concerns, let go of the preoccupying ideas, and let go of the constant worry.

When we pause to think about it, life can become overwhelmingly cluttered with the noise of our own thoughts and concerns. We're often burdened by the incessant mental chatter that distracts us from recognizing the divine presence. In the act of "be still,"- "LET GO", we are called to surrender these burdens to the divine and trust in God's providence. It's an invitation to release the anxieties, fears, and preconceptions that inhibit our ability to truly know and experience God's presence.

An alternative method to gain profound revelations and deeper understanding is to engage in the practice of taking a familiar saying and inverting its meaning. So, let's explore the opposite of the well-known phrase "Be still and know that I am God" by stating:

"Be busy and do not know God." What does this imply?

This thought-provoking reversal carries a significant message. It suggests a lifestyle characterized by ceaseless activity, perpetual busyness, and constant distraction, which ultimately obstructs individuals from perceiving and connecting with God's presence.

In essence, it implies that when we lead lives overwhelmed by endless tasks and concerns, we unintentionally distance ourselves from recognizing God's existence and experiencing a profound relationship with Jesus.
Empty chair, missed opportunity, to get to know God more. Being too busy with the cares of the world to sit with God.

In a world that often glorifies busyness and endless multitasking, this alternative interpretation serves as a poignant reminder. It highlights how our fast pace of life, filled with never-ending to-do lists and distractions, can act as a barrier to spiritual growth and profound comprehension.

By urging us to consider the opposite, it invites us to pause and reflect on the value of stillness and contemplation in our spiritual journey, emphasizing that amidst the chaos of life, there's immense wisdom in finding moments of tranquility to truly know and experience the presence of God.

However, it's essential to emphasize that the original scripture, "Be still and know that I am God," encourages finding moments of peace and quiet in one's life to seek a deep and intimate connection with God. It invites individuals to experience God's presence, recognize His identity, and rest in the knowledge of His sovereignty.

Taking some time to BE STILL and LET GO to focus everything on GOD and His Goodness.

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm profoundly motivated to enter that place of deep rest and spiritual connection. Instead of fixating solely on the directive to "BE STILL," I'm shifting my focus to the liberating concept of "LETTING GO."

I believe that by consciously choosing to release the burdens, worries, and distractions that clutter our minds, we can create a spacious mental landscape for meditation and reflection on the incredible attributes of God. This includes delving into His work, understanding His character, embracing His boundless love, unwavering mercy, and infinite grace.

This intentional practice of "LETTING GO" paves the way for a transformative shift in our relationship with the Holy Spirit. It empowers us to shed the weight of the world's demands and worries, making room for a more profound and authentic connection with God.

In essence, it's a call to action, urging us to relinquish the unnecessary baggage we carry and to truly "KNOW GOD."

I'm convinced that this shift in perspective and practice will bring about a meaningful change in the way we relate to God and also to bring more of His Presence and Wisdom into our daily lives. It's time to embrace the intentional act of "LETTING GO" so that we can wholeheartedly and authentically "KNOW GOD."

What Unfolds When We Choose to Let Go and Deepen Our Connection with God?

Have you ever contemplated the profound consequences of releasing your worries and pursuing a deeper relationship with God? According to Scripture, entering into His peaceful presence can lead to a plethora of spiritual and personal transformations. But what motivates us to begin this spiritual journey? In essence, what drives us to embrace these life-enriching experiences, and how do they benefit us? Let's dive into the reasons and the incredible rewards of this spiritual practice."

Divine Revelation: When you are still before God, you create an environment for divine revelation. In the quietness of your heart and mind, you become more receptive to God's messages, guidance, and wisdom. This can lead to a deeper understanding of His will for your life.

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." - Psalm 46:10 (NIV) This verse underscores the power of being still and knowing God, highlighting the divine revelation that can emerge when we quiet ourselves before Him. As we embrace the tranquility, we become more receptive to His messages, gaining insights into His will and purpose.

Intimacy with God: Being still allows you to draw closer to God and experience a more intimate relationship with Him. In the silence, you can sense His presence, experience His love, and communicate with Him on a deeper level. When you choose to be still before God, you create an opportunity to draw nearer to Him and foster a profoundly intimate relationship.

In the quiet of stillness, you can tangibly sense His presence, immerse yourself in His boundless love, and engage in deeper communion with your Creator.

"But the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him." - Habakkuk 2:20 (NIV)

This verse emphasizes the holiness of God and the reverence found in silence before Him. Through stillness, you can experience His presence in a more profound and intimate manner, feeling His love and nurturing a deeper connection with the divine.

Peace and Rest: Scripture often associates being still with finding peace and rest. In the presence of God, you can find rest for your soul, as mentioned in Psalm 46:10. It's a place to cast your burdens and anxieties upon Him, experiencing a sense of calm and tranquility.

Guidance and Direction: Throughout the Bible, numerous biblical figures turned to God for guidance and direction through prayer and moments of stillness. It is in these quiet times that you can earnestly seek answers to life's questions, decisions, and dilemmas, placing your trust in God to illuminate the way forward.

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." - Psalm 119:105 (ESV) This verse underscores the idea that when you come before God in stillness and seek His guidance, His Word can shine as a light on your path, providing clarity and direction for your life's journey.

Healing and Restoration: Stillness offers a sacred space for healing and restoration. It's a moment to lay your burdens and sorrows at the feet of the Divine, welcoming His comforting presence to bring about healing and restoration in your life.

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." - Psalm 147:3 (ESV)

This verse from Psalms reminds us of God's profound capacity to heal the brokenhearted and mend their wounds. In the tranquility of stillness, we discover a sanctuary for our wounded souls, where God's healing touch brings about restoration and wholeness.

Renewed Strength: The Bible frequently emphasizes the concept of finding renewed strength in the presence of the Almighty. In moments of stillness, you have the opportunity to exchange your weaknesses for His divine strength, experiencing a revitalization of your spirit and energy.

"But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." - Isaiah 40:31 (ESV) This verse reminds us that when we come before the Lord in stillness, we can find a remarkable renewal of our strength. We can soar with the endurance of eagles, run without weariness, and walk without growing faint. It is through these moments of quietude that God imparts His unwavering strength to us.

Freedom from Anxiety: In the Bible, we are encouraged to be anxious for nothing but to bring our requests to God in prayer (Philippians 4:6-7). Embracing stillness before God can be a transformative experience, helping you release anxiety and discover profound peace in His loving presence.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV) This passage from Philippians holds a powerful message of seeking God's peace through prayer and supplication, even in the face of life's anxieties and uncertainties. As you choose to be still before God, you follow this biblical counsel, opening the door to a peace that surpasses human comprehension, safeguarding your heart and mind in the love of Christ.


Get in your quiet place.

Closed box suggesting all your mental chatter is sealed up.

Imagine your mind as a cluttered room. Thoughts are like various items scattered all around, causing chaos. Now, envision yourself picking up each thought, one by one, and gently placing them in a box. As you close the lid, you're essentially letting go of these thoughts, allowing the room to become more spacious and peaceful. The act of closing the box signifies your mental stillness as you release the chatter and find tranquility.

Take a moment, or as long as you can, to reflect on the countless incredible ways in which God has been your savior. Consider the depth of His love, how He has abundantly provided for not just you but your entire family. Ponder the remarkable healing He has bestowed upon you, both physically and spiritually. Contemplate His immense power displayed through the wonders of creation. And most profoundly, meditate on the fact that the divine presence of God resides within you, a sacred dwelling place where His grace and wisdom continually flow, guiding your steps and nurturing your spirit.

God's boundless nature means that "knowing" Him knows no boundaries or limits. True knowledge of God is intricately connected to what resides in your heart, the profound depth of your understanding, and the richness of your relationship with Him.

Amanda Allen


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