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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Writer's pictureBeTheFire

The Power of Words: Transforming Your Life to Command Victory in Every Challenge

Updated: Jun 21

In Mark 11:23-24, Jesus imparts a profound teaching, declaring with certainty a transformative principle:

"For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, 'Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea,' and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."

Here, Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, provides explicit instructions on how to unleash one's faith and witness miraculous occurrences. Jesus, who confidently proclaimed, "The works that I do shall you do also," had recently addressed a fig tree he was not happy with and cursed it. Mark 11:12-14:

"And on the morrow, when they were come from Bethany, he [Jesus] was hungry: And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet. And Jesus answered and said unto IT," No man eat fruit of thee hereafter forever". And his disciples heard it."

Mark 11:20-21 (KJV), the aftermath of Jesus' curse, which did not take place immediately, on the fig tree is described:

"And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursed is withered away."
It's crucial to note that Jesus's words extend beyond specific instances, as he asserts that this authority is not confined to fig trees or mountains. Essentially, he conveys that believers can speak to anything in faith.  

Jesus underscores the principle that anything spoken with conviction and belief in the heart can manifest. The transformative power of spoken words is emphasized, with Jesus urging a shift toward speaking faith-filled words. Believing in the fulfillment of spoken words is pivotal, requiring a commitment to sincerity and integrity in one's speech.

Romans 10:10 emphasizes the alignment of belief in the heart and confession with the mouth for salvation. The crucial harmony between the heart and mouth is highlighted, revealing the significance of sincere expression. Often, people utter phrases without genuine conviction, diluting the power of their words.

"For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

Expressions like "tickled me to death" or "scared me to death", or "that killed me" are common statements and they lack heartfelt belief in the power of your words, which results in words that have no actual impact. This is a sure sign of someone who does not place value in their own words. You can't have one without the other- You can't casually utter just anything and at the same time expect your words to carry power. It doesn't work that way.

When faith isn't intertwined with heartfelt conviction, spoken words lose their potency. 

Regrettably, regularly using insincere expressions may lead to confusion in the heart, diminishing the authentic belief in spoken words, rendering one's words powerless. While it might seem trivial to pay attention to statements made in jest, sarcasm, or fun, the truth is evident in Matthew 15:18-19 (KJV):

"But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart, and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies."
Jesus instructs believers to address their problems directly, speaking to the "mountain" or obstacle in their path. This powerful directive contrasts with merely talking to God about the problems.
"For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, 'Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea,' and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."

The full extent of our authority in Christ is often misunderstood. For example, instead of acknowledging the completed work of healing through Jesus, many approach God with pleas for healing, detailing their desperate situations in hopes of moving Him to action.

The reality is that through Jesus's stripes, healing has already been provided—His part is done, and He now sits at the right hand of God waiting for your Faith to align with His Word.
Isaiah 53:5:"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes, we were (past tense) healed."

The misconception lies in seeking healing as if God has yet to act. In truth, the healing power resides within us, deposited by Jesus, already. Rather than pleading for healing, we should express gratitude to the Father for entrusting us with this power.

Taking authority, we can command sickness to leave in the name of Jesus because the fact that sickness is even there, is the age old game of devil, who roams the earth seeking those he MAY devour. Please read my article, "Did you Know Life came with Cheat Sheets? You have a Blueprint for Every Battle in Your Life" as it speaks more in depth on the devil searching and seeking (with your permission) those he may devour! He cant devour just anyone. Im sorry, but you give him permission. Read my other article.

At some point in every Christian's journey, a crucial decision emerges, akin to a fork in the road. Here you stand, carefully considering each path before you. One route leads to the world—a path marked by life's challenges, prevailing sickness, and persistent lack. The other is the Kingdom road, adorned with the abundant promises of God.

Choosing the world road necessitates embracing the ways of the world, accepting life as it is. On the contrary, the Kingdom road calls for unwavering faith in the promises of God's Kingdom. Both paths demand faith, yet the essence lies in whom you choose to believe. For those who have received salvation, a transformative shift occurs—you now belong to God, identified as a cherished son or daughter. This change in status alters the trajectory of your beliefs and, consequently, the outcomes you can expect.

Walking down the world's road won't lead to the healing or blessings clearly outlined for you in the Word of God. The rules governing your life have been recalibrated through salvation, directing you towards the fulfillment of God's promises. As John 1:12 affirms, you have the authority to become a child of God through faith in His name, marking a distinct and purposeful journey on the Kingdom road. John 1:12 (KJV) states:

"But as many as received him [Jesus], to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name."

The crucial choice lies in whom YOU choose to believe. God has bestowed incredible authority upon believers, not doubters. Even for believers in Jesus grappling with doubt in specific areas, they can still opt for the Kingdom road. However, the manifestation of promises hinges on the extent of their faith or doubt in them. Continue on the Kingdom path, align with steadfast believers, and they will guide you to your God-appointed destination. Don't give up, especially when understanding eludes you—reach out to a steadfast believer for support. We all begin at the beginning.

The common approach of beseeching or praying to God fails to recognize that He has already fulfilled His part, empowering us with the ability to speak to the challenges we face. Acknowledging this simple truth and actively exercising our authority by commanding sickness (challenge/problem) to depart is key, yet many overlook this straightforward approach.

Instead of addressing their problems directly, many people resort to talking to God and friends and family about their issues rather than talking to their issues about God. It might sound crazy to you but that is EXACTLY what God says to do! Instead of pleading with God for financial provision, for example, individuals should exercise their authority and command debt to be paid in the name of Jesus.

Taking a proactive stance, individuals can utilize the following formula to address challenges:

"For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, 'Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea,' and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."

Here is a formula as a guide: "I Command [specific challenge] to [action] in the name of Jesus."


  1. Poverty: "I Command poverty to leave my life in the name of Jesus."

  2. Fear: "Command fear to depart from my life in the name of Jesus."

  3. Health: "I Command sickness to leave my body in the name of Jesus."

  4. Relationships: "I Command strife to depart from my relationships in the name of Jesus."

  5. Doubt: "I Command doubt to be replaced by unwavering faith in the name of Jesus."

  6. Debt: "I Command debt to be canceled in the name of Jesus."

  7. Career: "I Command stagnation in my career to be broken in the name of Jesus."

  8. Emotional Pain: "I Command emotional pain to be replaced by divine peace in the name of Jesus."

  9. Addiction: "I Command addiction to release its grip on my life in the name of Jesus."

Utilizing this formula empowers individuals to speak into different aspects of their lives, invoking the authority and power available in the name of Jesus. Your responsibility is to believe and speak. God's role, along with His messenger angels, is to bring it to fruition when they hear His Word spoken in faith from your mouth. Faith, not fear, is what moves God.

The directive from the Lord is clear: speak to your problems. It might seem unconventional to some, but it aligns with the biblical principle that death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). 
"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."

Speaking to specific issues, whether physical ailments or life challenges, is a powerful act. For instance, addressing a physical ailment by saying, "In the name of Jesus, you (its name) are healed," demonstrates the authority believers have over their circumstances.

Believers are encouraged to use their words intentionally. They can confront challenges boldly, cursing sickness or infirmity with conviction, and then releasing life by speaking healing and recovery over their bodies. Following Jesus' example when He cursed the unfruitful fig tree, individuals can boldly confront challenges. They can pronounce a curse on sickness or infirmity with unwavering conviction, and then, with the same authority, release life by speaking words of healing and recovery over their bodies. This approach, though simple, is often overlooked by many Christians who, despite their devotion to prayer, tend to petition God passively rather than exercising the authority He has already granted them.

Understanding and applying this truth can revolutionize one's prayer life. While it may challenge conventional Christian practices, embracing this approach leads to tangible results and a manifestation of God's power.

When you address something and it doesn't manifest immediately, there are two potential reasons. It might be in the process of unfolding, as exemplified when Jesus spoke to the fig tree. Although the results weren't immediately visible, they took place at the roots, gradually over 24 hours. It's a profound illustration by Jesus, indicating that the rebuke initiated to the roots. So, exercise patience, especially if you're dealing with deeply rooted issues that may have a stronghold in your bloodline. Use discernment and seek counsel if necessary.

Alternatively, it may be due to a lack of belief in the certainty of what you are declaring. Are you praying and believing in line with the Word of God? Is your belief and request biblical? God honors His Word- so be sure you are aligned with His will.

To overcome this challenge, the solution is simple: persist in speaking it. Faith is cultivated by continuous hearing and affirming the Word of God. By consistently declaring your faith, you gradually transition from mere saying to genuine belief. The key is to keep speaking it, allowing the process of faith to take root and eventually become a firm conviction.

It's a common mistake to set a timeframe for trusting God, saying, "I'll give it a week or two, and if it doesn't happen, I quit." The devil is perceptive—he discerns your commitment level. If you limit your trust to a specific time frame, he'll extend the fight beyond it. 

However, if your stance is unwavering, indicating that time doesn't matter, you're committed, and you'll persist until the manifestation occurs, the devil will retreat. Many people attempt faith with a trial mindset, but the devil can discern genuine belief. Your determination and refusal to give up signal to him that there's no room for surrender, making the battle easier for you. Some may try, but the devil distinguishes between those trying and those truly believing.

Sometimes, individuals unknowingly speak without established belief. However, repetitive declarations can anchor beliefs in your life. Despite initial lack of conviction, continuous affirmation solidifies thoughts and impacts your life. Even if said in jest or without sincerity, the words you repeatedly speak hold power—either life or death. Proverbs 18:21 (NIV):

"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."

This verse emphasizes the impact of our words and how they can bring either life or death. When people use their words to speak positively, affirmatively, and in alignment with God's promises and will, they are essentially speaking life.

While joking is permissible, be cautious about consistently uttering negative words, even in jest. Words possess inherent power, influencing your life. The principle is clear: your spoken words carry either life or death. Therefore, exercising control over your words is essential. Even in lighthearted moments, maintaining sincerity and integrity in speech is crucial to ensure that your words align with life and not unintended negative consequences.

In Mark 6:5, it states that Jesus could not perform mighty works because of the prevailing unbelief of the people. Despite Jesus operating perfectly in the power of God, the skepticism of others had a tangible impact on his ability to perform miracles. This insight is crucial, yet often overlooked.

"And because of their unbelief, he couldn’t do any miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them." (NLT)

When faced with illness or a need, the typical response for many is to activate the church's prayer chain, seeking agreement from numerous individuals. However, this approach can be counterproductive. Many prayer chains inadvertently amplify the problem by voicing words of doubt and death. Trusting strangers and even some Christians to effectively pray for you can be challenging. While they may begin with a prayer for healing, there's a risk that they might unintentionally contribute to negativity by spreading uncertain news, potentially exacerbating the issue. Many individuals lack a deep understanding of how to pray effectively, sometimes treating casual comments to God as prayer. To ensure powerful and effective prayer, it's advisable to seek out strong Christians who may seem peculiar or unconventional; often, they hold the keys to a robust and impactful prayer life.

Contrary to this, Jesus, when dealing with a demon-possessed boy, swiftly cast out the demon upon seeing a multitude gather. He prioritized avoiding an environment filled with unbelief. In contrast, many individuals openly share their problems, detailing ailments and negative reports to everyone they encounter, inadvertently reinforcing negative outcomes.

Even Jesus experienced limitations in his hometown due to the prevailing unbelief. Similarly, openly sharing problems and speaking negatively about one's situation can hinder the potential for positive outcomes.

Recognizing the impact of words on belief and outcomes is crucial, as it influences the effectiveness of prayers and the ability to experience miracles in one's life.

If a doctor informed me of a cancer diagnosis with a grim prognosis, I wouldn't publicly announce it to everyone, especially on social media sites and individuals not of the Christian faith. Sharing such news openly could inadvertently invite skepticism and unbelief, potentially affecting the situation negatively. Instead, I would carefully choose whom to confide in, selecting individuals I trust for their prayer and agreement.

There are situations where it's necessary to acknowledge a problem, like if there's a visible ailment, such as a growth on the neck. In such cases, it's not about denial but about presenting both the natural truth and the spiritual truth. While it may be necessary to address what is evident, it's equally important to assert the spiritual truth of healing through the stripes of Jesus.

Always negate the worlds view with the scriptural truth.  Never be silent on the matter.

However, even in these situations, it's wise not to hastily speak out about the natural circumstances. Speaking it aloud repeatedly can reinforce negative thoughts and words. Therefore, the general principle is to exercise caution in openly discussing personal problems and to be mindful of the impact of spoken words in prayer.

I once heard a story about a man named Charles who, during his prayer time, experienced a moment when the Lord interrupted him, asking, "Charles, what are you doing?" Charles replied, "I'm praying." However, the Lord pointed out, "No, you're complaining." This scenario is relatable to many of us, as what we often label as prayer turns out to be a session of complaining. The essence of prayer is not to inform or, worse, misinform God about our problems.

It's essential to grasp that prayer is not an opportunity to narrate all our problems to God, as He already knows our needs. Rather than using prayer as a platform to gripe and complain, it should be an avenue to express faith.

Avoid the tendency, even in prayer, to preface statements with disclaimers like, "I shouldn't say this, but..." Such disclaimers often serve as a mask for gossiping or venting negative thoughts.

Be intentional about using words of faith in your prayers, steering clear of unbelief, and refraining from glorifying the devil or recounting his actions. 

Every word spoken in prayer holds power, so it's crucial to utilize that power to believe, speak the truth of God's Word, and express genuine faith.

Words serve as Satan's weapons, acting like arrows that he directs against individuals. He employs words to speak fear and negativity into people's lives. It's crucial to safeguard yourself.

Unfortunately, many individuals casually sit in front of the television, absorbing words that contradict their beliefs. These words often revolve around topics like plagues, flu seasons, debt, lack, and disease despite the Word of God proclaiming healing for all sickness and diseases. It's essential to recognize that words are potent weapons, and Satan can impact your values and faith with them through other people. The devil always sends a person to do his job. Keep your circle real.

Drawing from Romans 10:17, faith comes through hearing the word of God. Anything contrary to the Word breeds unbelief, doubt, and fear. Living in a culture saturated with negativity and unbelief contributes to spiritual deadness and lack of faith. People often allow these negative words to bombard them without realizing the destructive impact.

Satan uses negative words to undermine your faith. The Bible reassures that no weapon formed against you will prosper, and this includes words. Recognizing the power of words, evaluating them, and resisting the influence of negative words is vital. Whether it's casual remarks like "take care" or more significant statements, it's crucial to fight against the onslaught of negative words and uphold the truth of God's Word. What is wrong with "take care" you are thinking? Look at what the Word says in 1 Peter 5:7 (KJV):

"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."

The scriptural wisdom in 1 Peter 5:7 (KJV) advises us to "casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." The term "casting" implies a deliberate act of release, urging us to relinquish our cares to God instead of carrying them ourselves.

Contrastingly, the common phrase "take care" often used in modern language carries a different implication. When we say "take care," we might subconsciously be inclined to retain or keep what troubles us, inadvertently holding onto sources of anxiety. This linguistic distinction underscores the significance of intentionally choosing words that align with the scriptural principle of casting our cares onto God, promoting a healthier mindset of surrender and trust. You get the point. Might be a bad example but, nonetheless, it still holds factual biblical support and truth.

It's challenging to completely shield yourself from negative words, even if you avoid certain media sources. Living in the world exposes you to contrary beliefs. The key, as mentioned in Isaiah, is to condemn every weapon formed against you and every tongue that rises in judgment. While it's crucial to minimize exposure to corrupting influences, complete avoidance may not be possible. Therefore, the emphasis is on actively condemning and rejecting negative words when you encounter them.

Even if someone claims to be strong enough to withstand negative influences, 1 Corinthians 15:33 warns against deception, stating that evil communications corrupt good manners.

The Bible advises withdrawal from corrupting influences, emphasizing the importance of standing firm against such negativity.

For those living with someone who consistently speaks negatively, applying this principle might pose challenges specific to your situation. However, the underlying principle remains clear: allowing negative words to go unaddressed can lead to problems in your life. It's essential to reach a point where, upon hearing negative words that contradict God's promises, you promptly speak out and condemn them. Do so quickly and quietly if you must, but NEVER be silent when someone speaks against Gods desired truth in your life or your family.

It is crucial to have a solid understanding of the Word of God. This knowledge equips you to respond when someone utters words that contradict the Word of God for yourself or your loved ones. You must counter such statements with truth, condemning and rebuking the lies. In everyday conversations, many people engage in gossip without realizing the potential harm, often rooted in doubt and boredom because they haven't given scriptures the credibility they deserve.

However, you cannot afford to let individuals, even in casual conversations, sow doubt or speak against God's Word, as this can lead to problems. It becomes imperative to find ways to counter such talk with the Word of God, rebuking and condemning anything that doesn't align with His truth. Failing to do so may allow seeds of doubt to slowly take root in your mind.

If you truly believe that your words have the power to manifest, you must learn not to yield at the first sign of opposition to your beliefs. Condemning contrary words and refusing to let negativity be spoken over you is essential. If you're unwilling to take this stand, you may find yourself embracing sickness, poverty, or misery. This is a principle demonstrated by Jesus, who, when faced with opposition, firmly declared, "Get behind me, Satan."

It's important to clarify that this doesn't mean being offensive or mean to others. Instead, it's about standing firm in your beliefs. In Romans 3:4, it is written, "Let God be true and every man a liar." This reflects the mindset you should adopt – unwavering in your trust in God's truth.

May the Holy Spirit empower you to internalize these truths about the potency of words, faith, and the Word of God. May you develop strength, resilience, and resistance against the negative words and thoughts that the enemy may hurl your way. Let a transformative shift occur in your lifestyle, fostering a Godly atmosphere through faith-filled words.

Gain a deeper understanding of how to wield the keys of Heaven, embracing God's Word in your heart, and boldly speaking to the mountains and challenges in your life. Take a moment to identify your most significant problems, and on a piece of paper, craft words that bring an end to those challenges. Remember, the ultimate formula lies in your words and faith, aligning with the powerful truth of Mark 11:23-24

"... whosoever (thats YOU) shall say unto this mountain (Speak TO the problem), 'Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea,' and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."

You must be convicted that YOUR words hold power. When you realize this, you will start rethinking what you say and speak with intention. If you continue to abruptly speak everything that comes to mind, you have not renewed your mind with the Word of God. Speaking opinions and feelings is not Faith. Its better to be silent- take what you dont understand to God- Work on your "believer", like its your 7th sense.

God did not say to wait until you understand Him, He said to Believe only. Proverbs 3:5 (KJV) encourages us with the words "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." This scripture underscores the importance of placing our trust in God rather than solely relying on our own comprehension. Additionally, Isaiah 55:9 (KJV), which states,

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

Transforming your thought patterns from emotional reactions to intentional, purposeful responses is a deliberate process. The key lies in rewiring your mindset, becoming intentional, and consistently immersing yourself in the Word. This intentional approach enables you to discern how to pray, what to think, how to speak, and equally crucial, when to be still and silent.

Prioritize learning the Word, recognizing the Holy Spirit as your ultimate teacher. This intentional journey may require moments of consciously refraining from unnecessary and problematic words and conversations.

As you embark on the directive to be a doer of the Word, address your challenges head-on instead of complaining to God about life's problems. He is already aware of your struggles and has equipped you with the perfect guidebook – learn it. The choice is yours, and you haven't been left without solutions and answers from God Himself. He foresaw your battles, your children's trials, and understands your spouse. Every solution is within the Word of God.

Ultimately, the responsibility lies with you. In the end, it won't be God's fault; it will be your own choices or lack thereof, that shape your path.

Copyright © Amanda Allen, Kingdom Revelations, 2023. All rights reserved. This article may be shared with acknowledgment of the author and the original source. Artwork included.


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