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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Writer's pictureBeTheFire

Hey You🫵🏼: A Love Letter to the Human Spirit! 💓


I just want to take a moment to acknowledge how incredible you are doing. We live in a world that often feels like it's stacked against us at every turn. Consider this: we drive cars with speed limits ranging from 20 to 80 miles per hour, yet these vehicles are engineered to exceed 120. It’s as if we’re constantly faced with temptation—a potential ticket looming, and the risk that hits not just our wallets but can lead to dire consequences.

We are heavily reliant on technology, surrounded by wireless devices in our homes, offices, and vehicles. We wear smartwatches and wireless earbuds, fully aware of the dangers, yet they are available for sale everywhere, as if they’re necessities rather than potential hazards. It’s the same story with our diets; every store, gas station, and corner shop is filled with temptations—snacks, candy, bags of chips—while sugar reigns as the world’s largest addiction. Processed foods contribute to a slew of health issues, from cancer to diabetes to heart disease.

Despite this, society and government seem to make unhealthy choices cheap and easy, while the healthy options remain painfully expensive.

Healthcare is another arena where the struggle is real. It’s crucial, yes, but it's exorbitantly priced. Want to add your kids? No problem. But add your spouse, and watch your costs double. All those savings set aside for a vacation.... They just evaporated into the ether of necessity. Many people live paycheck to paycheck, never experiencing the luxuries portrayed on social media or in movies.

We often judge our lives based on what we see others having while ignoring the blessings right in front of us.

We compare ourselves to complete strangers online, scrolling through their curated lives while neglecting the people closest to us. A picture on social media can’t replace the warmth of a phone call, a shared laugh, or a moment of genuine connection. Instead of addressing our insomnia, we drown in a sea of 300 TV channels and 14,000 shows, indulging in superficial entertainment and fantasy narratives that set unrealistic standards for our own lives.

Life throws us a barrage of challenges: we lose jobs, we find new ones, we experience the joy of acquiring a new car only to face the frustration of a breakdown. Friendships blossom, enemies emerge—everything in life seems to conspire against our peace and happiness.

Life often feels completely backward, doesn’t it? The struggles we face are undeniably real. You endure some of the worst pain imaginable while bringing a child into the world, yet out of that suffering blossoms the greatest love you'll ever know. You marry your soulmate or your best friend, only to discover that no one can be a larger enemy than a spouse who turns against you. There are those marriages that seem to radiate perfection on the surface, yet tragically end in despair, with one partner taking their own life. “What went wrong?” you find yourself asking in disbelief. “I didn’t see that coming.”

In the midst of it all, we have pastors preaching blessings and hope while grappling with their own hidden pain—like the one whose child walks the streets addicted to heroin. As he stands in front of his congregation proclaiming the goodness of God, he struggles internally with his own doubts, all while you learn about the mustard seed of faith. He loves you yet he too is learning!

We often find ourselves surrounded by people—four close neighbors, yet they are some of the least known in our lives. It’s a curious phenomenon: we rarely cherish what is near us, instead longing for what is far away.

Why is it so challenging to feel content with what we have?

Why is it so difficult to grasp the essence of gratitude?

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

In this whirlwind of contrasts and complexities, it's easy to feel lost, like the world is working against you. But here’s the truth: your journey, with all its ups and downs, is what makes you resilient. Each struggle shapes your character, each heartbreak refines your spirit, and each moment of joy reminds you of the beauty that still exists.

So, if you’re reading this, recognize the profound victory in simply persevering. You are not alone in your battles; everyone is fighting their own silent war. Embrace the love you have, the people close to you, and the life you are building, despite the chaos that surrounds us. Let your story be one of triumph amidst adversity, a firecracker of hope that lights the way for others.

Life may feel backward, and struggles may seem insurmountable, but remember that within every trial lies the potential for transformation. Hold onto that mustard seed of faith and let it grow; it has the power to change everything. Your life is not just a series of random events; it’s a testament to your strength and the love that can emerge from pain. You are doing a great job, and your journey is just beginning. Keep pushing forward, for there is beauty in the struggle and strength in the fight.

Romans 8:37-39:

"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

© 2024 Amanda Allen. All rights reserved.

Please share this message with a hurting world and respectfully direct readers back to Kingdom Revelations.


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