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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Writer's pictureBeTheFire

From Broken-hearts to Breakthroughs: Psalm 147:3

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” ~ Psalm 147:3

God intimately understands the depths of human sorrow. A broken heart, a shattered spirit - these are familiar companions to countless souls. We carry the weight of loss, betrayal, and despair within the quiet chambers of our hearts, often concealed beneath a mask of normal everyday activities. From the greatest of tragedies to the most personal heartaches, the spectrum of pain can be very vast and all-consuming. No family is immune, no life untouched by its shadow.

Brokenness is a universal human experience. It infiltrates every family, every heart, and every corner of our world.

Psalm 147:3 speaks of God healing our broken hearts and binding up our wounds, but the chapter goes deeper, showcasing Psalm 147 as a powerful celebration of God's immense power, wisdom, and care. The psalm begins by praising God for restoring Jerusalem and caring for His people. It then shifts to describe God's power over nature and His provision for all creatures.

The emphasis is on God's greatness and His intimate involvement in the lives of His creation.

The psalm highlights God's healing of the brokenhearted and His control over the stars and nature. It acknowledges God's support for the humble and His opposition to the wicked. The psalm also emphasizes God's provision for the earth, animals, and His people, and His delight in those who fear Him and hope in His mercy. The psalm concludes with a call to glorify and praise the Lord for His unique care and guidance for Israel.

Praise the Lord! It is fitting and delightful to sing praises to our God, who is rebuilding Jerusalem and bringing the exiles back to Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. He counts the stars and calls them all by name. How great is our Lord! His power is absolute, and His understanding is beyond comprehension. The Lord supports the humble but brings the wicked down into the dust. Sing out your thanks to the Lord and sing praises to our God with a harp. He covers the heavens with clouds, provides rain for the earth, and makes the grass grow in mountain pastures. He gives food to the wild animals and feeds the young ravens when they cry. .......... He sends the snow like white wool, scatters frost like ashes, hurls hail like stones, and no one can stand against His freezing cold. But at His command, it all melts; He sends His winds, and the ice thaws.

This chapter is a magnificent declaration of God's unlimited power and understanding, expressed through His creation and His care for His people and all of his creations. It speaks of God numbering the stars and naming each one, making clouds, sending lightning, causing grass to grow, providing food for animals, giving snow and frost, hurling down hail, making the wind blow, and waters flow. And right in verse 3, we see He includes that He heals the brokenhearted and binds up our wounds.

Just as He commands the elements, shaping life from barren landscapes, He restores shattered souls with equal authority and care.

Imagine this—in the same chapter where God is praised for controlling the universe and the elements, He includes the human heart. He places the human heart right alongside the magnificence of the stars, the wind, the lightning, and the hail. Did you know your heart was that extraordinary? The human heart is more than just an organ; it represents the soul itself. This is what God is protecting. Our bodies will one day pass away, but our spirit and soul will live on forever.

God is spirit, and He breathed His spirit into you and me. When we are heartbroken, He is already connected to the pain we’re experiencing. He doesn’t abandon us; we are the ones who sometimes abandon Him.

Genesis 2:7  "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

The effects of a broken heart can be life-changing, altering the course of our lives. It is always a season of growth, though painful. A broken heart is a special place because it is where God is close to us. He embraces us, speaks to us, and His presence is always near. Through the Holy Spirit, our Comforter, we take little steps to heal. It's never fast; it's always slow. It's a universal law that we will experience heartache in our lives. No one is exempt from this. And during these moments, our Creator is so very close.

To heal, we must feel it all—the pain, rejection, hurt, and betrayal. These emotions can be dangerous, leading us into depression, emotional turmoil, and even thoughts of suicide. God understands this vulnerability, and that’s why He comforts us with His Word in advance, assuring us that He is close.

We may not sense Him, but He is there. He lets us know this in His Word.

God stays close to us, knowing that while He gave us emotions, the devil often tries to attack during these times of vulnerability and instability. God understands this, which is why He provides such comfort through His Word, reminding us of His constant presence. 

The Healer is with us, allowing us to endure the emotional rollercoaster while whispering encouragement, offering new perspectives, and guiding us in forgiveness so we don’t remain chained to our pain. It’s a big job, and while people may try to help, they often fall short. They mean well, but a broken heart can only be truly healed by the One who created it. God knows exactly where our wounds are and can pinpoint the very root, guiding us through the healing process.

When I think about God "binding up our wounds," I picture a doctor carefully stitching up a patient. Just as a doctor closes a wound to promote healing and prevent further harm, God gently tends to our emotional and spiritual wounds, ensuring they heal properly. Both involve care, precision, and the intention to restore what is broken.

Just like stitches that grasp each piece of tattered flesh and pull it back together, reinforcing the boundaries needed for healing, so does God, our Great Physician, know exactly where to mend and restore the boundaries of our hearts. As a doctor stitches our skin and bandages us to prevent infection, remember that while external care is crucial, true healing begins within. When the internal environment is clean and healthy, the body can mend itself more efficiently. Similarly, God's work on our hearts focuses on inner renewal. He cleanses our souls, creating a pure environment for healing to flourish.

I believe our broken hearts are just as significant as the elements that shape the universe under God's direction. Unlike a physical organ, a broken heart isn't something we can touch—it's a spiritual and emotional place that can't be reached by human hands. Words and circumstances can affect it, but we can't physically mend it. This place needs to be tended by God because it isn't of this world, its spiritual. True healing comes only through Him.

Can you touch your heartbreak? No.

Heartbreak is an untouchable wound, immune to physical remedies. Alcohol, food, drugs, sleep, and even overworking are temporary distractions, not lasting solutions. This spiritual injury demands a spiritual healer.
Psalm 34:18 – "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit."
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 – "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble, with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."

Part of God's incredible plan is that the areas where you have experienced failure but found healing—the circumstances that brought you down but where you rose back up—become the places where you reach out to others who have faced similar struggles. Now, you can help them.

God's purpose shines brightest in our darkest hours. The pain we've endured can become a pathway to healing others. Our experiences, marked by both failure and triumph, equip us to extend a hand to those walking similar roads.

Though suffering wasn't His design, God weaves healing into our pain. Our struggles, transformed by His grace, become tools for compassion. In this brief life, our purpose is to love and serve, a mission ignited by both joy and sorrow.

The healed become vessels of healing!



Heavenly Father, In Jesus name, I lift up the person reading this article and ask for Your comfort and healing for their broken heart. By Your grace, You care for us deeply and bind up our wounds so that healing may come. We often fail to give You the credit You deserve, especially when we are in pain and view life through a dark lens.

Father, in Jesus’ name, I ask You to embrace this person and make Your presence felt in their life. Reveal to them a glimpse of Your love and care that they may have overlooked. Help them to be humble enough to receive Your healing touch and, most importantly, bring them to a place of forgiveness. Set them free from strongholds and the demons of resentment, rage, and bitterness that can hinder their healing journey.

Touch the hearts of those who have learned to live in survival mode and self-preservation. Holy Spirit, teach us to let go of our need to protect ourselves so that You, God, can take over that task. Thank You for loving us and being with us even when we hide our pain behind fake smiles and “I’m fines.” Help us to live warmly and compassionately in a world that can be cruel.

Unite this person with others who can support them. I ask the Prince of Peace, Jesus, to bring comfort and peace to all those with broken hearts. Surround them with a hedge of protection so that the enemy cannot cause further harm or exploit their vulnerability as they heal.

Into Your hands, Lord God, I commit this person. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2024 Amanda Allen. All rights reserved.

Please share this message with a hurting world and respectfully direct readers back to Kingdom Revelations.


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