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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Writer's pictureBeTheFire

Fearless & Faithful: Embracing God's Promises in a World of Disaster-Keeping Peace & Productivity

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

An umbrella of feathers hovering over a young lady symbolizing Gods protection.
You can grasp for Faith, or reach for fear. The decision is all yours.

God, in His omniscience, anticipated our encounters with challenging days, even fearful days—those moments when the allure of hiding beneath our covers, cocooned in blankets and pillows, can be irresistibly tempting. There are instances when we ponder the meaning of it all, questioning, "What's the point anymore?" Have you ever found yourself in such a place? Today, that was my reality. Every ounce of strength was needed to coax my body out of bed, the struggle profound and internal.

Interestingly, a persistent, barking dog shared my morning, and I couldn't help but wonder if God used that furry companion as an additional prompt. It's a powerful reminder that God can employ the most unexpected and apparently mundane occurrences to reach us. It was as though I was on the verge of hosting a "pity party," but God intervened, as He always does.

In the backdrop of today's world, marked by uncertainty, fear, and the weight of world events, there exists an enduring truth that has echoed throughout the ages. This truth beckons us to discard our anxieties and grasp onto faith with unyielding courage. It is far from a mere coincidence that within the Word of God, we discover the phrase "do not fear" resonating precisely 365 times—a divine reminder, every single day of the year, to firmly place our trust in the Almighty.

The significance of God's message becomes abundantly clear when we consider the divine love notes scattered throughout His Word, all imploring us not to succumb to fear but to instead entrust ourselves to Him. It's as though He's left us a trail of reassurances, like little love notes, to emphasize the utmost importance of this message. These profound reminders serve as a testament to God's enduring care and concern for His children.

Isaiah 54:17 declares with unwavering conviction, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." Let these words pierce the shadows that threaten to envelop you, for they bear the indomitable promise of God's protection, rendering all adversities powerless.

In Isaiah 41:10, the very breath of God speaks to us, reassuring our trembling hearts, "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God." Feel the weight of His presence—the rock upon which your faith is built, the refuge of strength where your doubts dissolve.

Isaiah 49:25 amplifies the divine anthem: "For I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children." Here, we find God as the relentless defender of our cause, battling on our behalf, safeguarding not just our today but our tomorrow.

Angels protecting a drive along their journey.

Psalm 56:3 offers a simple yet profound truth: "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you." Let this verse be the lighthouse that guides you out of the treacherous seas of fear, for trust in the one true God is your anchor.

Envision the vivid imagery of Psalm 91:4: "He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings, you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." In these words, find a sanctuary, a place of respite from life's storms, and an impenetrable shield in His faithfulness.

2 Timothy 1:7 boldly proclaims that "God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." Stand tall in this truth; know that you are clothed in divine strength, emboldened by boundless love, and endowed with the power to master fear with resolute self-control.

From the Word of God, I have here 40 instances where God provided, protected, fought, guided, healed, and granted victory to His people:

  • The Israelites' Exodus from Egypt

  • Daniel in the Lion's Den

  • Noah and the Ark

  • The Fiery Furnace with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

  • David's Victory over Goliath

  • God's Protection of Joseph in Potiphar's House

  • Peter's Miraculous Prison Escape

  • The Passover in Egypt

  • Elisha's Protection from an Enemy Army

  • Paul's Shipwreck Survival on Malta

Daniel at peace and safety with the Lions under Gods protection.
Daniel at peace and safety with the Lions under Gods protection.

  • The Parting of the Red Sea for the Israelites

  • The Angel Rescuing Peter from Herod's Prison

  • God's Provision for Elijah During a Drought

  • The Preservation of the Israelites in the Wilderness

  • God's Deliverance of Queen Esther and the Jewish People

  • The Escape of Lot and His Family from Sodom and Gomorrah

  • Gideon's Victory with a Small Army

  • God's Protection of the Prophet Jeremiah in Persecution

  • The Healing and Preservation of Job in His Afflictions

  • God's Rescue of Paul and Silas from Prison in Philippi

God's Deliverance of Queen Esther and the Jewish People
God's Deliverance of Queen Esther and the Jewish People

  • The Safety of Rahab and Her Family in Jericho

  • The Widow of Zarephath's Endless Supply of Flour and Oil

  • The Deliverance of the Three Hebrew Youths in the Fiery Furnace

  • God's Preservation of the Widow's Son Through Elijah

  • The Escape of the Apostle Paul from Assassination Plots

  • Hezekiah's Protection and Deliverance from the Assyrian Army

  • The Healing of Naaman from Leprosy

  • God's Sustenance of the Israelites with Manna in the Desert

  • Peter's Miraculous Release from Prison by an Angel

  • The Preservation of Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus in Their Flight to Egypt

The Safety of Rahab and Her Family in Jericho.
The Safety of Rahab and Her Family in Jericho.

  • God's Preservation of the Israelites at the Battle of Jericho

  • Elisha's Protection from the Syrian Army

  • The Safety of Abigail and Her Household from David's Wrath

  • God's Deliverance of Paul from a Deadly Snake Bite on Malta

  • The Escape of John the Baptist from Herod's Capture

  • God's Shielding of the Prophet Micaiah from Harm

  • The Preservation of the Widow's Oil for Her Sons

  • The Healing and Protection of Namaan, the Syrian Commander

  • The Safeguarding of the Apostle John from Poison

  • God's Protection of King Jehoshaphat and His Army in Battle

This is an endless list, by the way. How many more can you think of?

Apart from standing resolutely in faith, unwavering in the face of emotions or the illusions of circumstance, what other resolute steps can we take to confront and conquer fear? The answer is boldly etched in God's word: we are called to enter into a sacred REMEMBRANCE of all that He has graciously accomplished for us.

  • Psalm 105:5: "Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced."

  • Psalm 77:11: "I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago."

  • Psalm 78:7: "Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands."

  • Psalm 143:5: "I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done."

This calls for a profound reflection on His Word, and an unwavering contemplation of the rich tapestry of His history, wherein He relentlessly guarded and guided His people. But it doesn't stop there; it extends into your own life, to a place where you can bear witness to His undying faithfulness.

Recall those moments when He saved you, delivering you from the brink. When He wrapped His protective arms around your children, watching over them with unmatched love. Think about the times He reached out to heal your wounds, both visible and hidden, infusing your life with newfound strength. Remember His generous provision—a vehicle when it seemed impossible, a job when you needed it most.

Marvel at how He orchestrated your encounters, positioning you perfectly in the company of the right people at precisely the right time. Think about how He courageously delivered you from the chains of abuse, removing you from toxic relationships that no longer served your well-being. Consider those times when He brought tranquility to the chaos that threatened to engulf you.

And don't forget the strangers—His instruments of encouragement—those sent by His divine hand to uplift your spirit when you least expected it. In this profound act of remembrance, we find our path illuminated by His love, leading us from the shadow of fear to the radiant confidence of His unwavering care and protection.

Can you think of a single moment where God failed to provide for His people? Can you find a solitary example in all of history where His promises faltered or His care wavered?  Zero instances. Not one. Never.

The resounding truth stands unshaken: there is not a single instance, not even a sliver of doubt, where God failed to provide for His people. Can you name a time when His faithfulness wavered, His love diminished, or His protection faltered away from one seeking, believing, asking, searching, and committed to His will?

It's an invitation to reflect, a challenge to ponder, for in His unwavering provision, His ceaseless love, and His boundless care, the answer is emphatically clear: there are zero instances.

The question that truly stirs my innermost being isn't whether God protects His people, but whether I am counted among His own. Do I truly belong to God? Am I aligned with Him in this eternal battle for my soul?

Short Prayer of Salvation: Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You with an earnest heart. I acknowledge my need for Your love, forgiveness, and guidance. I surrender my life to You, recognizing that I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I believe in Your Son, Jesus Christ, and the salvation offered through His sacrifice. Today, I ask for Your forgiveness, and I invite Jesus into my heart as my Lord and Savior. May I walk in Your light and truth, firmly belonging to Your family. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Relevant Scriptures:

  1. John 1:12: "Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God."

  2. 2 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

  3. Romans 10:9: "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

  4. John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Power down the TV, embrace the living Word of God, and embark on an immersive journey to discover His character, heart, and desires. Witness how He conquers troubles, confronts giants, and dispels demons. Experience His boundless love, unwavering faith, and divine prosperity. As His Word comes alive within, you become a vibrant vessel, embodying His truth and radiating His light to the world.

Explore His desires and His aversions and make sure you are on the right side aligning your opinions with His Word.  That is where He watches your heart.  Are you living by your opinions or His Word?

As His Word comes alive within you, you become a vessel for Him to walk

out His truth from within you to the world around you.

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Amanda Allen


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