Did You Know God Does, in Fact, Give Up on People?
When I first heard it, I struggled to believe it. I had to explore it for myself. Someone mentioned that in the Bible, there are three instances where God essentially gives up on people and hands them over to their own desires. Living in the Bible Belt, all I often hear is "Jesus loves you" and "God is for you." It’s eye-opening to realize that the Bible also speaks about God's judgment and the serious consequences of rejecting Him.
This isn’t the sugar coated "God loves you" sentiment often seen on bumper stickers and spewing out of the mouths of mega-church leaders and pastors. Instead, Romans 1 presents a sobering reality where ignoring God carries serious consequences.
We must share God's love with the same weight and fire found in Scripture, avoiding the temptation to reduce it to a lukewarm cliché.
This means being honest about both His boundless love and His unwavering justice. Understanding and conveying this balance is crucial, as it ensures that the message of God's love is neither diluted nor misrepresented.
Love. It's the cornerstone of God's character, undeniably. But Romans warns us not to mistake this love for a supernatural get-out-of-jail-free card. The cross screams of sacrifice, not indulgence. While Jesus' love is boundless, consequences for unchecked desires simmer beneath the surface, waiting to erupt. Don't be fooled by fleeting pleasure; judgment, a stark reality, looms large.
Judgment is coming, a time of reckoning for those who choose disobedience. We must embrace God's love with a healthy respect for his justice.
In Romans chapter 1, the concept of God giving up on someone is a profound and unsettling notion. According to this chapter, when people reject God’s truth and choose to follow their own sinful desires, God allows them to be completely given over to their own depravity. This means being abandoned to the consequences of their choices and left to pursue a path of moral and spiritual corruption.
Romans chapter 1 describes this as being handed over to a "reprobate mind," where one's judgment becomes impaired, and they engage in behaviors that are not only immoral but also contrary to their inherent nature. This abandonment is not a direct imposition of punishment by God but rather a tragic result of God’s withdrawal, allowing individuals to experience the full consequences of their rejection of divine truth. It highlights the severity of choosing to live apart from God’s guidance, as it leads to a state of profound moral and spiritual decline.
Though God never abandons humanity, He does not force anyone to choose Him. He allows individuals the freedom to come to Him willingly or to remain apart from Him. He invites all into His Kingdom, yet respects their choice to embrace the kingdom of darkness if they so desire. God patiently awaits our response, giving us the opportunity to choose Him until our last breath.
In this world, there are only two realms: God's and Satan's. We all coexist within these realms, and Jesus died for all, waiting for us to choose the light.
The illusion of escaping accountability for our actions is a dangerous fantasy. Delayed consequences are not evidence of God's indifference or acceptance, but it is a moment of time (the delay) allowed test our character. Will we, reassured by the apparent absence of immediate punishment, persist in our disobedience? This delay should not be mistaken for a loophole but rather seen as a moment of grace granted by God's mercy. It is an opportunity to repent and turn away from sin before the inevitable consequences manifest.
In this time of delay (between our wrong and the consequences), we are given mercy to reflect, mend our ways, and align ourselves with God’s will, knowing that His justice is certain, even if it appears postponed.
In the midst of delayed consequences, a critical question arises: who are you leading astray with your choices?
When living in and behaving sinfully, during a season of delayed consequences, who else are you teaching to compromise their behavior because of your actions?
This is a difficult and often avoided topic, but Romans makes it clear: if you persist in stubbornness and sin, God will not only allow it but may also hand you over to a reprobate mind. This means you will be given over to a state of moral corruption and impaired judgment.
Let's examine this more closely the three times god gave up on people:
#1 Romans 1:24: "Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:"
Romans 1:24 unveils a truth as profound as it is unsettling. It speaks of a chilling surrender, not of God to humanity, but of humanity to itself. When we turn from the light of God's truth, we are not simply abandoned. We are, in a sense, set "free", but not Gods freedom – freedom to indulge in the swirling desires of our own lust developed and enabled by the kingdom of darkness as acceptable. But this freedom is a twisted cage, a descent into a realm of self-inflicted dishonor.
It's a descent into a world of self-destruction, a world where the body, meant to be a temple of the spirit of God becomes a battleground for fleeting desires.
#2 Romans 1:26: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:"
In Romans 1:26, another great truth unfolds. Here, the consequence of rejecting the divine compass within isn't mere darkness; it's a distortion of the very essence of being. Imagine the Word of God as a compass, an instrument designed to guide us with unwavering fidelity. When held true north, it points towards a fundamental direction, a source of order and purpose.
But what happens when we deliberately twist this compass, forcing its needle to deviate? The world doesn't vanish; it simply warps. North becomes an illusion, and directions lose their meaning.
This is the tragedy of verse 26. It speaks of a humanity who, having rejected God's guiding light, finds themselves in a world where the natural order is now distorted. Even the most basic parts of human life—like love and intimacy—become warped, losing their true meaning. In this world, the idea of what is "natural" gets changed by misplaced desires.
But, beneath the distortions and lies of enemy, there is great potential for realignment. It compels us to seek the true north, the unwavering light of God's design, and to recalibrate our compass accordingly. Only then can we find our way back to a world where love and intimacy point not towards chaos, but towards the sacred purity of our true selves.
#3 Romans 1:28: "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;"
Sometimes, we stumble because we don’t know better. God doesn’t give up on people for that. He gives them knowledge, His Word, and sends people into their lives to teach them the truth. Sometimes, we stumble because of the crowd we run with, doing what the majority does because we aren’t strong enough to stand alone. God still sends others to help us find the strength to stand alone.
The devil also knows where we are weak. If he senses our weakness, he will use anyone who has influence over us, to influence us to live wrong, dress wrong, speak wrong, and behave wrong.
A reprobate mind is a mind that has deliberately and repeatedly shut out the light of God’s truth. It signifies the loss of logic and morality in a person’s reasoning, leading to irrational pursuits of sin that are destructive to their soul, body, and those around them. The term "reprobate" also means “cast away,” “reject,” “notwithstanding a test,” or “unfit.” When humans sin, they separate themselves from God, becoming less than what they were created to be. As Romans 1 implies, the more a person gives in to sin, the more God allows them to face the consequences of their actions.
Those who continually reject Jesus, despite repeated exposure and correction to the gospel, may develop a reprobate mind. By consistently turning away from God, they choose to embrace darkness, leading to moral decay, unprincipled behavior, and a lack of shame or remorse.
Titus 1:16: "They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate."
How authentic is your faith? Do your actions echo the love you claim to hold for God? Examine your life closely. Is your wardrobe a silent proclamation of your beliefs, or does it clash with your professed values? Do your words uplift or wound? Does your temper mirror the patience of Christ, or does it betray a heart consumed by darkness? Is your pursuit of vengeance a shadow cast by faith, or a stark contrast to its light? Even casual cursing can be a subtle yet potent indicator of a chasm between your words and your worship.
Hypocrisy is a chameleon. It disguises itself in countless forms. It can masquerade as fashion, as beauty, as passion. But beneath its alluring exterior lies a hollow evil core that gives glory to the kingdom of darkness and great grief to the Kingdom of God. God's grace is an endless ocean, but it does not demand obedience. His hand is extended, always ready to guide and correct, but the choice to embrace His path remains yours.
Do not be deceived by the illusion of time. Consequences, though delayed, are coming. Is a life lived in contradiction to your faith a price worth paying?
Face your contradictions head-on. Make sure your actions match what the Bible teaches. Let your life truly reflect the love you say you have for God. Be a shining example that guides others away from darkness. Even those you look up to might be caught in this darkness. Standing firm in your faith is a powerful way to show a better path. Be brave. Be the light that leads others out of the shadows. Change your influence from something that hurts into a force for good and salvation.
Heavenly Father,
I come before You with a humble heart, recognizing where I have fallen short. I ask for Your forgiveness for the choices I've made that do not align with Your Word. Help me to realign my life with Your truth and turn away from any actions or behaviors that reflect darkness rather than Your light. Strengthen me to live out my faith genuinely and be a true reflection of Your love. Guide me in making decisions that honor You and lead others towards Your grace.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Amanda Allen, Kingdom Revelations © 2024. All rights reserved.