"Christianity: Imperfect People, Perfect Message"
Updated: Apr 18, 2023
Many non-believers have formed negative perceptions of Christians based on the actions of some Christians who fail to represent the love, kindness, and compassion that Jesus exemplified in the Bible.
Unfortunately, some Christians have been guilty of hypocrisy, judgmentalism, and exclusion, which can be off-putting to people who are seeking a faith that is inclusive and accepting. However, it's important to note that Christians are not perfect and never claimed to be.
In fact, Christianity teaches that all humans are flawed and in need of redemption, and that true
perfection can only be found in Christ. This means that Christians will make mistakes and fall short of the standard set by Jesus, but they can always strive to improve and grow in their faith.
It's also worth noting that Christianity is not just about individual Christians but about the message and teachings of Jesus. The message of Christianity is one of love, forgiveness, and redemption, and it is this message that should be the focus, rather than the actions of imperfect individuals.
While the actions of some Christians can negatively impact the perception of Christianity, it is important to remember that Christianity is not about perfection in humans but about the perfection found in Christ. As Christians, we should strive to live out the teachings of Jesus and demonstrate love, kindness, and compassion to others, but we will inevitably fall short at times. It is through acknowledging our imperfections and relying on Christ's grace and forgiveness that we can continue to grow and reflect the true message of Christianity.
Amanda Allen
Write & Blogger