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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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Breaking the Cycle of Financial Struggles: God's Path to Abundance, Part 1

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

Black horned monster holding a large bag of money.

Satan's agenda is to trap us in a cycle where our entire lives revolve around the pursuit of wealth. It's time to awaken and shatter the cycle of financial struggles that keeps our focus solely on money.

Psalm 16:11 - "The path of life is revealed by You, and in Your presence, there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."

Exodus 33:14 - "And He replied, 'My presence will accompany you, and I will grant you rest.'"

God's promise is clear: His presence brings rest to your life. Rest means an end to your struggles. Don't let anyone mislead you into thinking that God's plan for you involves a lifetime of hardship. God invites you, saying, "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

God has the power to grant a person rest, providing them with the peace and tranquility needed to focus on advancing His divine kingdom. It is truly unfortunate when an individual dedicates their entire life to the relentless pursuit of wealth. In fact, such an endeavor can be considered a curse.

"The relentless chase for money often leads to a life out of balance, where the pursuit of wealth eclipses the pursuit of God."

But what are the consequences of this relentless quest for money? Those who immerse themselves in the pursuit of wealth often find themselves entangled in numerous endeavors, and this can have adverse effects. For instance, it might result in neglecting the proper upbringing of one's children in the fear of God because the pursuit of money consumes a significant portion of one's time and energy. Quality relationships may also suffer, as the relentless chase for wealth can strain or even rupture the bonds between loved ones.

In essence, the relentless pursuit of money can lead to a life that lacks balance and harmony, where one's focus is predominantly on material gain, often at the expense of spiritual and relational well-being. It is essential to recognize that God can provide the rest needed to escape this cycle, allowing individuals to prioritize their faith, relationships, and the higher purpose of advancing His kingdom.

The principle of the Kingdom of God operates on a level that often eludes our understanding. In this life, there are no mere coincidences; instead, everything is set in motion and sustained by specific laws, whether or not we are aware of them. Consider the law of gravity, for instance—it functions relentlessly, regardless of our knowledge of it.

Similarly, there exists a law that governs the flow of prosperity and wealth into the Kingdom of God. This law dictates the economic dynamics within God's Kingdom and has far-reaching implications for those who engage with it. The more one aligns with and comprehends this divine law, the greater their ability to experience the blessings and abundance that God has in store for His followers.

Understanding and applying this law allows individuals to participate actively in the economy of the Kingdom of God, creating a profound impact on their lives and the lives of those around them. It's an invitation to embark on a journey of divine prosperity and abundance, guided by the principles that underpin God's Kingdom.

Hint number one: True prosperity doesn't hinge on your occupation, and it's not solely a matter of conducting business.

To receive blessings in the Kingdom, it doesn't commence with your occupation or financial contributions. Just as when building a house, the foundation is where you begin, similarly, with God, your money is secondary to giving yourself to the Lord. The most significant gift you can offer God is the act of becoming a seed, surrendering yourself wholly and allowing your life to be rooted in Him. Here is your foundation in the Kingdom of God.

Numerous individuals with a relentless pursuit of wealth and financial gain often exploit the name of Jesus Christ as a means of conducting business. For them, their true allegiance lies with money rather than a genuine love for Jesus. It is essential to exercise discernment and caution when encountering such situations and to focus on authentic, faith-driven relationships and endeavors rather than falling prey to those who manipulate religious sentiments for financial gain.

Young lady giving her heart to God, raising it up to Heaven.

Complete devotion and surrender are key to receiving blessings from God. When you offer your heart, life, breath, and everything you have as an offering to Him, you align yourself with His divine agenda. It's in this passionate pursuit of God that blessings begin to flow. Pour your entire life into His purposes, and you'll find that blessings come as a natural outpouring of your deep commitment to Him.

Your deep devotion to God serves as a safeguard when prosperity and wealth come your way. With your heart already sold out to Him, your allegiance remains unwavering. You become immune to the temptations and traps that often accompany material riches and the promises of wealth. This steadfast commitment protects you from the snares of the devil that are prevalent in various aspects of the world, including Hollywood and entertainment industries.

God's love for you is so profound that He provides this spiritual shield, ensuring your faith and dedication remain unshakable even in the face of worldly allurements.

In the Kingdom of God, your devotion should be unwavering, no matter the circumstances. You ought to declare to the Lord, "Whether I'm traveling in a car or walking on foot, I love you. Whether my stomach is full or I'm hungry, I love you. Whether I have shoes or go barefoot, I love you. Regardless of whether people find me lovely or not, my love for you remains steadfast."

"Your complete devotion to God is your greatest protection against the snares of the world."

These affirmations are rooted in the biblical wisdom found in Mark 8:36, which asks, "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?" It emphasizes the importance of prioritizing your spiritual well-being over material gains and worldly acclaim, maintaining a steadfast love and commitment to God.

"The value of your soul should always outweigh the pursuit of material gain. God is more than enough; don't compromise your principles for worldly success."

God is truly all-sufficient; there's no need for relentless striving. Cease searching in locations where you must compromise your principles and associate with those lacking godly values simply for the sake of networking. Remember, God is more than enough. Any door that God doesn't open, allow it to remain closed. Wherever God doesn't lead you, may you never venture. Kingdom wealth isn't primarily about monetary matters; it's a matter of the heart. Once God perceives your surrendered heart, you'll witness His providence in ways you've never before imagined.

The secret to Solomon's extraordinary wealth, as the wealthiest man in the Bible, is revealed in 1 Kings 3:3. It states that Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the statutes of David his father. In the context of the Kingdom of God, loving the Lord transcends the common human understanding of love, which typically centers on pleasure and affection.

Kingdom love is rooted in sacrifice and a willingness to lay down one's life for God's purposes, a daily death to self. When you declare your love for the Lord, He seeks to see what you have laid down for His name.

Woman leaning against a cross, laying her life down.  Multiple crosses in background.

Solomon's life teaches us the importance of wholehearted devotion to God, showcasing how profound love for the Lord led to unparalleled wisdom and prosperity. This highlights that when you love God with unswerving commitment, you unlock the door to His extraordinary blessings and favor in your life.

1 Kings 3:3 from the Bible states: "Solomon showed his love for the Lord by walking according to the instructions given him by his father David."

Solomon's choice to ask for wisdom and understanding to govern God's people righteously is indeed remarkable. It reflects his deep commitment to fulfilling his role as a leader under God's guidance. When contemplating what we might ask for, it's important to remember that God's values are often different from the world's. While wealth, luxury, and health are valid desires, seeking wisdom, understanding, and the ability to serve God and others effectively can bring profound blessings and satisfaction. God often rewards those who prioritize His kingdom and righteousness.

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Amanda Allen


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