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"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and
His righteousness, and all these things
will be added unto you."

Kingdom of God Living

Meet the face
behind the posts

I often hear the resounding truth that God handpicked me from the very depths of the darkest, muddiest barrel. There was a time when I felt like I was drowning, lost in a sea of my own choices, surrounded by unrelenting darkness on all sides. The absence of guidance, safety, and love left me with tears as constant companions. They say that those who love God the most are often the ones who have been delivered from the most profound struggles, and I can fervently attest to the profound veracity of that statement.


From the depths of a death wish, to the harrowing depths of self-harm, from my days spent in the company of the Hells Angels to the perilous nights spent snorting cocaine and crystal meth, my life was an unending whirlwind. Health issues with no solutions seemed like an insurmountable mountain, and I embarked on a journey hitchhiking from one state to another, free-spirited and blowing wherever the wind took me. Loneliness and the desperate quest for love were my constant companions, yet love remained elusive until, at my wit's end, I walked through the doors of a small church in Louisiana.


In that sacred place, a profound sense of conviction gripped my soul, and I knew I needed a savior. Forward I moved, 8 months pregnant with two 4-year-olds clinging to each leg. Emerging from the waters of baptism, I was reborn. It was a moment of radical transformation, where love, courage, and the unwavering passion for a newfound faith compelled me to rise above my past and embrace a future filled with hope and purpose.


My purpose is to give and teach what I was given and taught by God. To encourage, to uplift, to love, to grow together in faith and in the boundless grace of our Creator.  


And that is why was born.

Amanda Allen Christian Articles
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